The 14th KONDO CUP Soccer Game Open Class sponsored by KONDO Co. Ltd. was carried out at Tamiya Pra-model Factory in Shinbashi, Tokyo on Feb. 14th, 2009.
The Soccer Game of KONDO CUP started on Jun 5, 2006. Almost every 2 month holds games. There are two classes, one is KHR class which KHR-1, 2 and 1HV can attend the games. KHR robots changed 4 and less than 4 high-torque servos also attend the KHR class game. The other class is open class which Robots using just KONDO servo motor can attend the game and using of number of high-torque servo is not limited.
KHR Games were also carried out at RoboSpot in Akihabara on Feb. 15th, 2009.
Seven teams attended the open class. Teams were divided 2 leagues. A-league teams are MANOI-Dan, Trinity, Team-Nicikoudai and Individual member team. B-league teams are Shisenkai, RFC-Bamboo-Bridge, SKY and Nagaranger Kantou-baranch. Each league has a league game and each winner had a final game.
The winner of A-league was Trinity, and B-league was Shisenkai. Trinity team members are Cromkid, Cavalier, Sakura2 and Garu. Shisenkai team members are Shisenkai-1, Shisenkai-2, Shisenkai-3 and Shisenkai-4. The winner was Trinity. The final game videos are as follows:
Robot Professional Wrestling Match, Dekinnoka 2, sponsored by Mr. Omata was carried out in Nagai on Feb. 7th 2009. He explained the 'Robot Professional Wrestling' was not 'Wrestling' but 'Fighting Arts'. The purpose was not only robot fight but also to inform pleasure of robot. The video of 'Dekinnoka`
which was carried out on Nov. 3rd, 2008 in Soka, has been uploded by Mr. Omata.
For 'Robot Professional Wrestling Match, Dekinnoka 2', the ring surrounded by 3 ropes with red and blue corner like real 'Professional Wrestling` was prepared at Taspark Hotel in Nagai City. The Dekinnoka 2 was carried out as an entertainment show after the 5th Nagaranger Fighting Festival.
Two teams, ‘Nagaranger Headquarters’ and ‘Nagaranger Kantou-branch’ fought robot professional wrestling matches.
The first match was a tag match. The blue corner are Nagare-Ravender and Nagare-Gold from Nagaranger Kantou-branch. The red corner are Nagare-Shining and Nagare-Yellow from Nagaranger Headquarters. Katou-branch team won the tag match.
The second match was a single match. The blue corner is Nagare-BLACK TIGER NEO from Nagaranger Kantou-blanch. The red corner was Nagare-BLACK. Nagare-BLACK TIGER NEO was autonomous robot and Nagare-BLACK was radio controlled robot. Nagare- BLACK won the single match.
The final match was a single match. The blue corner is Inujiro. The red corner is Garu. 'Garu' is one of the famous robots in Japan controlled by Kumama who is wife of Kupapa. 'Inujiro' was a little dog shaped robot made by Ms. Naoko. Garu threw Inujiro using back drop for three times, however Inujiro won the match using cross arm hold.
The videos was also uploaded by Mr. Omata as follows:'Dekinnoka 2`
Mr. Omata also carried out another Robot Professional Wrestling Battle, 'Dekinnoka 2.5 `on Feb 11th, 2009 in Tokyo.
Robot fight competition, " The 5th Nagaranger Fighting Festa in The way of the snow lantern " sponsored by Nishiokitama Industry Association was carried out at Taspark Hotel in Nagai City, Yamagata Prefecture on Feb. 7th, 2009. Nagai City is in the snow country but this year there was not so much snow as last year. Nishiokitama Industry Association holds the Nagaranger robot fighting Festa two times (in summer and winter) in these years.
Twenty-eight robots joined the competition. At first, “Card Finding Game” was carried out for pairing the 1st stage fighting. Speaker reads a card which card marked by the first letter of the card content. When a card is read, robot owner finds the card and then makes his robot run to the card and put on the card. Then, the robot owner can select the position of the robot fight tournament. The video of the “Card Finding Game” are as follows;
The competition started at 14:40 pm. The winner was Cavalier (Emanon). The 2nd place was Cromkid (Kupapa). Robot fight videos are as follows:
Semifinal Fight 1: Cavalier vs NagareBLACK
Semifinal Fight 2: Cromkid vs Sakura2
Final Fight: Cavalier vs Cromkid
Cavalier won the final fight by technical knocked out because of the machine trouble of Cromkid.
I have been enjoying biped robot since 2004, when KHR-1 was put on the market, and collecting information of hobby robots. I would like to upload information about hobby robots in Japan for the hobbyists of biped robot all over the world. As my ability for uploading is limitted, I will introduce just news of product, kit or parts and information of competition etc. with picutures or videos.