DeAGOSTINI issued weekly magazine, `Weekly Robi` with biped robot parts of Robi on Oct 30th, 2012. Robi parts are attached every weekly magazine. Robot will complete with 70 volumes of magazine. The first issue price is 790 yen including tax. Price of the 2nd issue will be 1990 yen. The issue attached control board will be 4,990 yen.
Gingmag also introduced the issue of `Weekly Robi` in English.
Tomotaka Takahashi who is well known as robot creator such as CHROINO, FT, ROPID, EVOLTA etc., designed Robi.
Control board of Vstone Co., Ltd is used for the robot. Servo motors of Futaba Corporation are used with 20 axes. Voice-recognizing board and Human-detect-sensor are also attached. The weight is 1 kg including battery and the height is 340 mm.
DeAGOSTINI also issued weekly magazine, `Weekly ROBO XERO` with robot parts of ROBO XERO on Feb 8th, 2011. Robot has completed with 70 volumes of magazine on June, 2012 and the details were described in this blog.
Robot Professional Wrestling Match, `Dekinnoka!11`, sponsored by Omata-san will take place in Soka City on Nov 3rd, 2012 during Soka Fusasara Festival 2012. The 1st stage (open rehearsal) takes place 10:15 am to 11:45, the 2nd stage (open rehearsal) 12:15 pm to 13:45 pm and the 3rd stage (the performance) 14:15 pm to 15:45 (JST).
The matches will be shown on `Ustream Dekinnoka Channel`. My custum-built robot `BLACK TIGER NEO` also will join as `Nagare BLACKTIGER`.
In the case of bad weather, `Dekinnoka!11` will be held at Robotoma, a robot shop in Itabashi-ku, Tokyo on the day. The matches also will be shown on the Robotoma Ustream Channel.
Dekinnoka!11 PV -『Tenkaneji Budokai 3rd』
(Best Martial Arts Screw Tournament On Earth)
Eight robots join the tournament. Each robot has one Dragon Screw and the winner of each match can get all screws. Fighting rule is as follows; the winner is the robot which drops out of the ring or knocks down his opponent. The winner of the tournament, robot gotten 8 screws can call Nejiron, God of Screw. Nejiron will answer the winner's request. These story is similar to that of `Dragon Ball`.
President Mister Tamao of Robot Pro-Wrestling, who is Omata-san planned not only wrestling match but also the back story of each wrestler character such as a real pro-wrestling match.
Wrestling Matches of each stage scheduled are as follows; Openning Match :Dark Match
Metallic-Fighter vs Haruo Tenkaneji Budokai (Best Martial Arts Screw Tournament On Earth) The 1st Match:Tenkaneji Budokai the 1st stage Yukikaze vs Nagare-Yellow The 2nd Match: Tenkaneji Budokai the 1st stage Newtrino vs Wanda Hoo The 3rd Match: Tenkaneji Budokai the 1st stage Nagare-BLACKTIGER vs Zerfar The 4th Match: Tenkaneji Budokai the 1st stage Thunderbolt vs Nagare-Gold The 5th Match: Tenkaneji Budokai Semifinal
Winner of the 1st Match vs Winner of the 2nd Match The 6th Match: Tenkaneji Budokai Semifinal
Winner of the 3rd Match vs Winner of the 4th Match The 7th Match: Dekinnoka! Special Match (1:4 Handicup Match)
Kyonkyon-kamen vs Ryuketsu-48 The 8th Match: Dekinnoka! Special Match
Waroo vs Wanbi The 9th Match: Tenaneji Budokai Final
Winner of the 5th Match vs Winner of the 6th Match Announcement of the wish by the winner of Tenkaneji Budokai to `Nejiron` The 10th Match: Final
Champion Great Saaga vs the winner of Tenkaneji Budokai
`Dekinnoka!` in Japanese, means `Can you do it?`. As Omata-san has been loving real professional wrestling, the 1st Robot Professional Wrestling in Soka on Nov. 3rd, 2008 was planned and held by him. He explained the 'Robot Professional Wrestling' was not 'Wrestling' but 'Fighting Arts'. The purpose of `Dekinnoka!` was not only robot fight but also to inform pleasure of robot.
I have been enjoying biped robot since 2004, when KHR-1 was put on the market, and collecting information of hobby robots. I would like to upload information about hobby robots in Japan for the hobbyists of biped robot all over the world. As my ability for uploading is limitted, I will introduce just news of product, kit or parts and information of competition etc. with picutures or videos.