Nov 28, 2011

The 9th Robot Survival Game took place in Akihabara, Tokyo (Nov. 26, 2011)

The 9th Robot Survival Game took place at Tokyo Metropolitan Small and Medium Enterprise Support Center in Akihabara, Tokyo on Nov. 26, 2011 during AK-GARDEN【1】.

Robot Survival Game was planned by Tanaka-san and Bishii-san. Mobile, not only multi-legged robot or biped robot but also mobile with wheel or caterpillar, which equipped with toy gun, hit sensor and camera system, can join to play survival game.  The 1st Robot Survival Game took place at Akihabara, Tokyo on July 19, 2010 and the game takes place every 2 months. Tanaka-san also planned several kind of survival game, such as Extermination Battle, Flag Battle and Fortress Battle.

Six robots joined the 9th Survival Game were divided into two teams, Igga-san Team and Gons-san Team. Igaa-san Team members were Vanga(Igaa), Stallone(Noborizaka) and Hiryu(Koizumi).  Gons-san Team members were Denryu(Gons), Butank(Osaru) and BLACK TIGER L45(IKETOMU) . All robot were controlled by camera system in all battles except for Battle Royal (Rumble Battle). Pictures of joined robots were as follows;



Hiryu is one of the highest speed mobile and you can watch the video of moving Hiryu by clicking the name of 'Hiryu'.




Robot Survival Games such as Extermination Battle, Team Battle (by Fighting a dual), Fortress Battle and Battle Royal (Rumble Battle) were carried out in the 9th Robot Survival Game. The details were also described in Sanzai-san's Blog (in Japanese).

Extermination Battle 1 (Destroy the enemy completely):
Each team fights to destroy the enemy completely within 5 minutes; Winner team is having larger number of survival robot after 5 minutes. Igaa Team (Vanga, Stallone) vs Gons Team (Denryu, Butank, BLACK TIGER L45). Winner was Gons Team.

Extermination Battle 2 (Destroy the enemy completely):
Each team fights to destroy the enemy completely within 5 minutes; Winner team is having larger number of survival robot after 5 minutes. Igaa Team (Vanga, Stallone) vs Gons Team (Denryu, BLACK TIGER L45). Winner was Gons Team.

Team Battle (by fighting a dual)
Each one robot of the team fights a dual. The winner is the team won more fighting a dual. Just 2 robots fight in the field. Using of full field and fighting time was 5 minutes.

Vanguard Battle:
Igaa Team (Stallone) vs Gons Team(BLACK TIGER L45). Winner was Igaa Team (Stallone).

Captain Battle:
Igaa Team (Vanga) vs Gons Team (Butank). Winner was Gons Team (Butank).

Fortress Battle 1 (divide into offensive team and defensive team):
One team is just offensive and other team is just defensive. Just defensive team builds fortress and set a flag in it, and offensive team attacks the fortress and shoot down the flag. Attack team does not know enemy fortress structure. Offensive Igaa Team (Vanga, Stallone) vs Defensive Gons Team (Denryu, Butank, BLACK TIGER L45). Winner was Defensive Gons Team.

Fortress Battle 2(divide into offensive team and defensive team):One team is just offensive and other team is just defensive. Just defensive team builds fortress and set a flag in it, and offensive team attacks the fortress and shoot down the flag. Attack team does not know enemy fortress structure. Offensive Gons Team (Denryu, Butank, BLACK TIGER L45) vs Defensive Igaa Team (Vanga, Stallone, Hiryu). Winner was Offensive Gons Team.

Battle Royal 1 (Rumble Battle)
All robots fight each other and just one robot survival in 5 minutes is winner. Rumble fight was carried out without using camera system.   The winner was Denryu and Vanga.

Battle Royal 2 (Rumble Battle)
All robots fight each other and just one robot survival in 5 minutes is winner. Rumble fight was carried out without using camera system. The winner was Denryu.

Hiryu is one of the highest speed mobile in the Robot Survival Game. Video of Hiryu is as follows.

Trials of the Robot Survival Game were held twice on April 10th and June 13th (1) (2), 2010. The 1st Robot Survival Game took place on July 19th, the 2nd one on Sep 11th, the 3rd one on Nov 20-21st, the 4th one on Dec 11 in 2010, the 5th one on Feb 20, the 6th one on April 17, the 7th one on June 26, the 8th one on Sep 3-4 in 2011 and the details were described in this blog.

Since Oct. 19th, 2009
Last count 16382

Nov 14, 2011



INTERNATIONAL ROBOT EXHIBITION 2011 organized by Japan Robot Association (JARA) and the Nikkan Kogyo Shimbun, Ltd., was held in Tokyo International Exhibition Center (Tokyo Big Sight) on Nov. 9-12th, 2011. The exhibition is carried out every two years. The exhibition grounds were divided two big zones. One was for the industrial robot zone and the other was the service robot zone.

Two robot fights took place at the main stage in the service robot zone on 12th, which were ROBO-ONE GP Tournament and ROBO-ONE GP Challenge Match

ROBO-ONE Grand Prix (GP) is a biped robot competition which just excellent ROBO-ONE Fighter robots ( ROBO-ONE GP Robot ) could join. ROBO-ONE GP is opened several times in a year, managed by ROBO-ONE ENTERTEINMET. The tournament is carried out 1 round for 3 min, the robot got 3 knock-down was winner.

ROBO-ONE GP Tournament
The GP robots joined were Dynamizer, Tokotoko-maru, Chromkid, Mon ☆(star), Yokoduna-Great-Shiranui and Great King Kaiser.
The ground champion of GP 2011 was Great King Kaiser .  The 2nd place was Chromkid. Videos were as follows;

The 1st stage: Yokoduna-Great-Shiranui vs Chromkid
The winner was Chromkid.

The 1st stage: Tokotoko-maru vs Great King Kaiser
The winner was Great King Kaiser.

Semifinal match: Chromkid vs Mon☆
Chromkid lost right hand, however Mon☆ also had machine trouble. The winner was Chromkid.

Semifinal match: Great King Kaiser vs Dynamizer
The winner was Great King Kaiser.

Final match: Great King Kaiser vs Chromkid
The winner was Great King Kaiser.

ROBO-ONE GP Challenge Match
ROBO-ONE GP Team Fight Match, Restoration-gun Team vs GP-gun Team took place. Challenge team, Restoration-gun Team was consisted with strong fighter robots of the ROBO-ONE Tournament such as Gundam, ACGUY, Nagare-Gold, Garoo, Neutrino and Saaga. In the case of GP Team lost the Team Fight Match, ROBO-ONE GP had to dissolve the organization.

Almost of GP-gun Team was consisted with robots more than 3 kg and on the other hand, Restoration-gun Team was consisted robots with 3kg or under. Therefore GP-gun Team was more heavy than those of Restoration-gun Team.
Robot weight was the most important regulation in the robot fight.

As the result, GP-gun Team got 5 matches and Restoration-gun Team got just one match. GP-gun Team could keep their GP organization. Video of matches were as follows;

The 1st Match: Gundam vs Dynamizer
The winner was Dynamizer (GP-gun Team).

The 2nd Match: ACGUY vs Tokotoko-maru
The winner was Tokotoko-maru (GP-gun Team).

The 3rd Match: Nagare-Gold vs Chromkid
The winner was Chromkid (GP-gun Team).

The 4th Match: Garoo vs Mon☆
Groo was the winner of ROBO-ONE 19th Tournament (Wright Class, 3kg or Under). However, Mon☆ was too heavy and big. The winner was Mon☆ (GP-gun Team).

The 5th Match: Neutrino vs Yokoduna-Great-Shiranui
Yokoduna-Great Shiranui had machine trouble. The winner was Neutrino (Restoration-gun Team).

The 6th Match: Saaga vs Great King Kaiser
Saaga threw big Great King Kaiser with its arm. The winner was Great King Kaiser (GP-gun Team).

The details of ROBO-ONE GP in iREX2011 were also reported in Sanzai-san's blog (in Japanese).

ROBO-ONE GP in iREX2009 on Nov. 28, 2009 was also reported in this blog.

Last count 15973

Nov 8, 2011

Robot Competition @ 58th Riko-Exhibition of Waseda University (Nov 5, 2011)

Robot Competition @ 58th Riko-Exhibition of Waseda University took place at Nishi-Waseda Campus, Tokyo on Nov. 5, 2011.  Robot Obstacle Race and Robot Battle tournament were carried out.

Robot Obstacle Race
Robot Obstacle Race Course had 4 kinds of obstacle such as Hurdle (30 cm height, 91 cm width), Corns, Chopsticks-road and Door.  Two robots started from right side and left side.  The winner was robot reached to the goal in the short time.  Fifteen robots joined the race.  The 1st place was Corteju 23 seconds 38, the 2nd place was G-Saaga 26 seconds 88 and the 3rd place was Chrom-kid 32 seconds 43.  The video of all races was as follows;.

Robot Battle Tournament
Nineteen robots joined the robot fight tournament. About the half of robot owners were students and the rest were working members of the society. The winner of the tournament was G-Saaga (Igaa-san). The 2nd place was Garoo (Kumama-san). The 3rd place was Corteju (Shibaura Institute Technology SRDC Team Corteju).  The No.1 popular robot was also G-Saaga. Videos of the tournament were as follows:

Robot Battle 2nd Stage, G-Saaga vs Frosty. The winner was G-Saaga.

Robot Battle Quarterfinal, G-Saaga vs Mongyroni. The winner was G-Saaga.

Robot Battle Semifinal, Corteju vs G-Saaga. The winner was G-Saaga.

Robot Battle For 3rd Place, Chrom-kid vs Corgeju. The winner was Corteju.

Robot Battle Final, Garoo vs G-Saaga. The winner was G-Saaga.

Robot Battle competition in Waseda University, on Nov. 9, 2008 and on Nov. 8, 2009 were also reported in this blog.

Last count 15717

Nov 7, 2011

`Dekinnoka!9` Robot Pro-Wrestling Match took place in Soka City (Nov 3, 2011)

Robot Professional Wrestling Match, `Dekinnoka!9`, sponsored by Omata-san took place in Soka City on Nov 3, 2011 during the 3rd Soka Fusasara FestivalOpen rehearsal 10:15 am to 11:30 am and two stages were carried out, the 1st one took place 12:00 am to 1:15 pm and the 2nd one 1:45 pm to 3:00 pm (JST).

Dekinnoka!9 was held as Tenkaneji Budokai 2nd (Best Martial Arts Screw Tournament On Earth 2nd).  My custom-built robot `BLACK TIGER NEO` also joined as `Nagare-BLACKTIGER`. `BLACK TIGER NEO` had autonomous fighting system, however `BLACK TIGER NEO` fought through radio control in the Tenkaneji Budokai.

`Dekinnoka!` in Japanese, means `Can you do it?`. As Omata-san has been loving real professional wrestling, the 1st Robot Professional Wrestling in Soka on Nov. 3rd, 2008 was planned and held by him. He explained the 'Robot Professional Wrestling' was not 'Wrestling' but 'Fighting Arts'. The purpose of `Dekinnoka!` was not only robot fight but also to inform pleasure of robot.

President Mister Tamao of Robot Pro-Wrestling, who is Omata-san planned not only wrestling match but also the back story of each wrestler character such as a real pro-wrestling match. Promotion of Deknnoka!9 have been uploaded.

Opening: Flying of AR-Dron
Dekinnoka!9 was opened by AR-Dron flying.  The flying robot was custom-built by Amino-san.

Tenkaneji Budokai 2nd
(Best Martial Arts Screw Tournament On Earth 2nd)


Eight robots joined the tournament were Nagare-Gold, Zerfar, Thunderbolt, Wadahoo, Nagare-BLACK TIGER, Kyonkyon-Kamen, Waroo and G-Saaga.  Each robot had one Dragon Screw and the winner of each match could get all screws. Fighting rule was as follows; the winner was the robot which dropped out of the ring or knocked down his opponent. The winner of the tournament, robot gotten 8 screws could call Nejiron, God of Screw. Nejiron would answer the winner's request. These storys were similar to those of `Dragon Ball`.

The 1st Match:Tenkaneji Budokai the 1st stage
Nagare-Gold vs Zerfar

The 2nd Match: Tenkaneji Budokai the 1st stage
Thunderbolt vs Wandahoo

The 3rd Match: Tenkaneji Budokai the 1st stage
Kyonkyon-Kamen vs Nagare-BLACK TIGER

The 4th Match: Tenkaneji Budokai the 1st stage
G-Saaga vs Waroo

The 5th Match: Tenkaneji Budokai Semifinal
Winner of the 1st Match vs Winner of the 2nd Match
Nagare-Gold vs Thunderbolt

The 6th Match: Tenkaneji Budokai Semifinal
Winner of the 3rd Match vs Winner of the 4th Match
Nagare-BLACKTIGER vs G-Saaga

Exhibision: Robot Concert `Hikennoka!` by Kinopy
Kinopy played the xylophone.

The 7th Match: Battle Royal Match
The ramble match was carried out by the losers of matches.  At first the 1st robot and the 2nd robot entered the ring and began fight, after 1 minute later the 3rd robot joined the fight, then every 1 minute another robot joined the fight. The ring rope of all side were removed for dropping out of ring. The winner was the robot survived on the ring. The winner was Thunderbolt.

The 8th Match: Tenkaneji Budokai Final
Winner of the 5th Match vs Winner of the 6th Match
G-Saaga vs Nagare-Gold 
The winner was G-Saaga and got all eight screws.

Ending : Announcement of the wish by G-Saaga, the winner of Tenkaneji Budokai
The winner G-Saaga asked Nejiron that he could have a match with Hammerhead, one of 4 God Robots of Kansai-District.  Nejiron answered that his wish would be fulfilled in the nest year.

General Election
General election of all robot joined the Robot Pro-Wrestling Dekinnoka! took place after the tournament. Audience voted to their favorite robots. The 1st place robot would have the right to join the main event match in the Christmas Dekinnoka!10 which will take place at Tsukiji-Honganji Buddhist Hall in Tokyo on Dec 25, 2011.

There were 246 votes.  The 1st place was G-Saaga obtained 93 votes. The 2nd place was Nagare-Gold 30 votes, the 3rd place was Kumataro 22 votes, the 4th place was Kyonkyon-Kamen 17 votes and the 5th place was Leguhorn 13 votes.

Omata-san carried out 9 times `Dekinnoka! as 1, 2, 2.5, 3, 3.5, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8` during 3 years. `Deknnoka!` has been also supported by the members of Kanto-Training-Group.

Reports of `Dekinnoka!`, `Dekinnoka!2`, `Dekinnoka!3`, `Dekinnoka!5`, 'Dekinnoka!6' , Dekinnoka!7' and `Dekinnoka!8` have been uploaded in this blog. Videos were also uploaded to the 'Dekinnoka Official Site` by Omata-san. You can watch the details of the Robot Professional Wrestling videos by clicking each 10 poster of `Deinnoka! 1, 2, 2.5, 3, 3.5, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8`.

Last count 15577