Asakusagiken put Remo Humanoid Kit/P ( Remo ) , a new humanoid robot kit on the market on Dec 15th, 2009. The kit is suitable for expert robot builders. The characteristics of the new kit are as follows:
(1)`Remote Brain` Type Robot System
Remo is controlled wireless by PC. `Remote Brain` means wireless control system by PC. It is possible to make variety of `Remo Brain` Robots using option parts.
(2)Radio control by Bluetooth
The main board of Remo has BluetoothVer2.0+EDR(BT)function which communicates to PC by 460.8kbps. A cheap USB type BT module can be used as the PC side BT module.
(3)Programming on PC
As the program is made on PC, there are some good points compared with writing program on the micro computer in the robot as follows;
1) It is possible to make long program without limited memory size.
2) High speed and complicated program such as image processing can be moved.
3) There are a lot of texts such as VisualStudio.
(4)Image sensor with 2 eyes
Main board has an image sensor with 2 eyes. Sample program of image processing is also prepared.
(5)Foot sole sensor
Foot sole sensor is developing for the robot kit. The sensor measuring the changes on the foot sole weight balance will make the balance control of the robot.
(6) Robot nerves system interchangeability
I/F of the robot are interchangeable with Asakusagiken robot nerves system AGB65 series. It is possible to use RC servo, serial servo, DC motor, to input sensor signal and output sound signal.
(7)Continuous moving with AC adaptor
It is possible to move continuously by the option LiPo battery charger baseboard with AC adaptor. In the case of the robot using serial servos, it is possible to move the robot for several days by keeping the servos free.
Price (excluding tax)
Remo Head Kit/P: 50,000 Yen
Remo, LiPo battery charge baseboard, LiPo battery, AC adaptor, Robot frame (just head parts), excluding servo and control board
Remo Humanoid Kit/P: 380,000 Yen
Remo, LiPo battery charge baseboard, LiPo battery, Ac adaptor, Robot frame, PRS-DE07MS(improved) x 20, serial servo control board
KONDO KAGAKU CO. LTD. will put a new flame set for wide moving KHR-3HV legs on the market on Dec 22nd, 2009. The flame set makes the roll axis range of KHR-3HV legs increase to more than 180° by exchanging of the waist parts of KHR-3HV original kit. The new flame is good for making variety of motions such as a keeper motion in the soccer game.
As the leg yow axis can not be used by the exchanging to the new flame set, the waist yaw axis can be used by the addition of a KRS-2552HV.
The sample motions will be uploaded to the KONDO web site on Dec. 22nd, 2009. The price of the new frame set is 6930 yen (tax included).
The 1st JSRC ( Japan Standard Class Robot Community ) Championship was carried out in NAGOY MOTOR SHOW at Port Messe Nagoya on Nov. 22nd, 2009. Last year, organization of JSRC was announced by Mr. Iwaki during `Robofight`( Nov 2-3, 2008 ) in Osaka. The presentation was also reported . Then a tentative JSRC Championship was carried out during the 9th Robogong in Osaka on Jan. 11th, 2009.
Biped robot hobbyists seemed to be divided into four levels, the 1st level builders have custom-built robots for example ROBO-ONE GP, the second builders have custom-built robots with high torque servos, the third builders have kit based robots or remodeled robots using several high torque servos and the forth level are beginners with kit robots on the market.
The ROBO-ONE and almost other robot competitions have just open class and did not divide the class as standard class (kit based class) and open class. There were not standard class except for `Robofight` and `Robogong` produced by Mr. Iwaki. Therefore, the third level robot builders could not win the competition because of the difference of power of the robot. As the standard class includes the third level and the forth level, JSRC is expected to increase the opportunity joining the competition for builders who are remodeling the robot kit or beginner with kit robot.
The main body regulations are as follows.
1) Biped robots on the market which are not remodeled
2) Remodeled biped robots on the market which fit the following regulation*
3) Custom-built robots which fit the following regulation*
The JSRC regulation * for remodeled or custom-built robots are as follows;
Weight: 1.8 kg or under
Height: 40 cm or under
Sole size: 65 % of the foot or under and 45 % of the foot or under
Hands size: 60 cm or under
Total number of servo: 30 or less 5 or more
Number of servo with torque of 15 kg・cm or more: 5 or under.
Total torque limit is 2200 or under. Calculation is as follows; Total torque = (torque/speed)×{(voltage of loading battery) ^2 / (catalog voltage of the battery)^2}× number of servo
Gun or missile can be loaded and used
Turn over angle of robot are 15° to front and rear, and 20°to left and right
The rule of the tournament is as follows;
Each robot has 6 points. The robot knocked down loses 2 points. The robot slipped down loses 1 point. The robot gone out of the ring excluding in the case of getting up, loses 2 points. Taking time ( within 3 minutes, only one time each match, not take during knocked down but take during slipped down) for adjusting robot, loses 2 points. Gun or missile can launch 3 shells in each match and the robot hit loses just 2 points during the match. Robot lost 6 points is loser of the match.
Fifteen Robots of representatives of the groups joined the championship. From July 2009 to November 2009, each representative was decided in the competition which was sponcored above-mentioned group.
The robot and builder got the 1st JSRC championship was SuperdhygarⅡ by Hironocchi. The 2nd place was Robovie-XSF by zero and the 3rd place was Buraster by Akitsuka and XO3 by Ryuuya. Hironochi commented that his robot used `Murcury` as foot and `KRS-2552HV` as upper body servo for the weight 1.8 kg or under with high power.
The 16th ROBO-ONE was carried out with no regulation concerning the robot weight. The weight of robot is very important in the competition. Heavy robots have advantage compared with light ones especially in the robot fight competition. On the other hand, some UK1 ( under 1 kg ) class robot competition were also carried out recently. Hobbyist can join the robot competition suited their each robot.
INTERNATIONAL ROBOT EXHIBITION 2009 organized by Japan Robot Association (JARA) and the Nikkan Kogyo Shimbun, Ltd., was held in Tokyo International Exhibition Center (Tokyo Big Sight) on Nov. 25-28th, 2009. The exhibition is carried out every two years.
The exhibition grounds were divided two big zones. One was for the industrial robot zone which was joined about 70 companies and the other was the service robot zone which joined about 70 companies. Topics of the Exhibition was described in robonable (in Japanese) which was also sponsored by the Nikkan Kogyo Shimbun, Ltd. The details were also described in Robot Watch(in Japanese).
Three robot competitions took place in the service robot zone on 28th, which were ROBO-ONE GATE dancing competition started 10:15, Sunrise Hero Robot Battle started 13:30 and ROBO-ONE GP started 15:00.
ROBO-ONE Grand Prix (GP) is a biped robot competition which just excellent ROBO-ONE Fighter robots ( ROBO-ONE GP Robot ) could join. ROBO-ONE GP is opened several times in a year, using ring announcer and lined-girl as a human K-1 Fight, managed by ROBO-ONE ENTERTEINMET. The tournament was carried out 1 round for 3 min, the robot got 3 knock-down was winner.
The ROBO-ONE GP held in November is to decide the grand champion of ROBO-ONE GP in the year. The robots attended the tournament were each winner of GP tournament. The GP robots were Arimopurena, Great King Kaiser, Metaric Fighter, Mon ☆(star).
The ground champion of GP 2009 was Great King Kaiser . The 2nd place was Mon ☆(star). Vedoes were as follows;
`SUNRISE Hero Robot Battle` (S.H.R.B) took place in INTERNATIONAL ROBOT EXHIBITION 2009 at TOKYO BIG SIGHT on Nov. 28th, 2009. S.H.R.B. is a robot fight tournament sponsored by ROBO-ONE Entertainment Office and LOXLEY Co. Ltd. and also supported by SUNRISE Inc. which is famous for animation producing company such as `Gundum`.
This S.H.R.B. tournament was the second one, the first one was carried out in Kouriyama on Aug. 15th, 2009. As S.H.R.B. was also including `Costume Play` competition of the robot builder, builders were all enjoyed their costume. The details of the 1st S.H.R.B. were described in Robot Watch .
The regulations were as follows; Character of the robot was limited to those of cartoon characters produced by SUNRISE Inc. Robot worked as a biped robot. Pilot also had to have or put on the item concerning character of the robot. It was possible to order of the song when robot entered the ring. The winner got a prize from SUNRISE Inc.
Eleven robots joined the tournament. The most popular character was Gundam. There was no regulation concerning the weight and size of robot, therefore there were some remakable matches with a big diffence of size of robot.
The winner was MS-06S ZakuⅡby Kumama, its character was `Zaku` in Gundam, attached original aluminum cover and moving red eye (You can cerfify in the video). The 2nd place was automo 06 (WAKA) by holypong, attached Gundam cover made from special paper craft. The 3rd place was also Gundam small size, GUNDAM MK-2 MAKO Custom, which body was plastic figure attached special small survo by Mako (You can also cerfify in the video).
The videos of some robot joined the tournament in the stuff room were as follows; these robots were MS-06S ZakuⅡ, D.O.M., S D Layzner, GUNDAM MK-2 MAKO Custom, Meranblue in DeKAHRU.
The videos of the tournament were as follows;
1st stage; Emillo Type X2 vs GUNDAM MK-2 MAKO Custom.
The winner was GUNDAM MK-2 MAKO Custom.
1st stage; D.O.M. vs S D Layzner. The winner was Layzner.
2nd stage; MS-06S ZakuⅡ vs Layzner.
The winner was MS-06S ZakuⅡ.
2nd stage; GAT vs 1/100 MS-14S. The winner was GAT.
Semififal; MS-06S ZakuⅡvs GUNDAM MK-2 MAKO Custom.
The winner was MS-06S ZakuⅡ.
Semifinal; automo 06 (WAKA) vs GAT.
The winner was automo 06 (WAKA) .
For 3rd place; GUNDAM MK-2 MAKO Custom vs GAT.
The winner was GUNDAM MK-2 MAKO Custom .
Final match; automo 06 (WAKA) vs MS-06S ZakuⅡ.
The winner was MS-06S ZakuⅡby TKO.
ROBO-ONE GATE is biped robot competition which ROBO-ONE entertainment exclusive office manages. ROBO-ONE GATE has aimed toward the development of the biped robot competition which it can participate with ease even with the beginner, and the demand enlargement of humanoid hobby robot. The 1st to 4th ROBO-ONE GATE competitions were robot fight tournament and the 5th and 6th were changed to robot dancing competition. The preliminary event of the 14th ROBO-ONE tournament was Robot dancing. Robot dancing is expected to be a new popular robot competition.
Eight robot groups and 3 special guest robot groups joined the competition. There was no regulation except for biped robot. The dance match carried out by each robot dancing with each ordered song. After dancing, audience took a popular vote and judges also voted. The robot gotten a bigger applause was winner. The winner of the 6th competition got the right of joining the 17th ROBO-ONE tournament on March 21st, 2010.
The most impressed robot was Doka Harumi by Doka Project. The weight was about 15 kg. She danced very smooth and charming as a young girl. The champoion was `RyukiⅡ` by AZM LAB, danced `Joyful`Ikimonogakari. The 2nd place was `BLACK TIGER NEO` by IKETOMU danced `THRILLER` Michael Jackson.
The dancing of entry robot videos were as follows;
`A-R-SHI, Arashi` by waver (sound waver)
`INVOKE , T M Revolution` by Phantom-1 (BLACK)
`LOVE & JOY, Yuhi Kimura` by Doka Harumi (Doka Project)
`Thriller, Michael Jackson` by BLACK TIGER NEO (IKETOMU).
The 2nd Place of the 6th ROBO-ONE-GATE Dance competition.
`Joyful, Ikimonogakari` by Ryuki Ⅱ (AZM LAB).
The Champion of the 6th ROBO-ONE-GATE Dance competition.
The special guest player's dancing videos were as follows;
`TINYWAVE Special` by TINYWAVE (Sugiura Family)
`Kingrass Hoppers` by Manoi GO (MANOI Planning & Dr. GIY)
`Nichibu Tokotoko Special` by Tokotokomaru (Team Tokotoko)
Dance of BLACK TIGER NEO was also introduced in POPSCI.
Twenty-one robots joined the contest. The preliminary event was a gymkhana (autocross). There were 3 poles and robots walked the course for 2 minutes. Side walking was prohibited. The order was depended on the number of rounds. It was remarkable regulation that walking in the squatting position was strictly prohibited. It was requested the nee angle always has to keep more than 90 °. This regulation was the first attempt of the competition. Even in the ROBO-ONE, the request was keeping more than 90 °excluding during raising the foot. It was hard regulation for robot builders.
The best record was 7 rounds(2min.8sec.98) by Saaga, the 2nd record was 5 rounds (2min.15sec.35) by Deshumit by GR2 and the 3rd record was Phantom (2min.30sec.42) by Black. Upper 8 places could join the final fight tournament.
The final fight tournament was carried out using the 17th ROBO-ONE rule. The winner was Gargoil-mini, got a prize of one hundred thousand yen, the second place was Garoo, got a prize fifty thousand yen and the 3rd place was Saaga, got thirty thousand yen. The detail are also described in Robot Watch.
The videos of preliminary event gymkhana were as follows;
Saaga, the best record
The videoes of the final fight tournament were as follows;
Quarterfinal match: Garoo vs Deshumit, the winner was Garoo.
Quarterfinal match: Ryuki2 vs Phantom, the winner was Ryuki2
Semifinal match: Groo vs Saaga, the winner was Garoo.
Semifinal match: Gargoil-mini vs Ryuki-2, the winner was Gargoil-mini.
For 3rd place match: Saaga vs Ryuki-2, the 3rd place was Saaga
Final match: Gargoil-mini vs Garoo, the winner was Gargoil-mini
The main event was ROBO-ONE tournament and a popularity vote to the robot was also carried out from seeing the fight. For the boys visited the robot competition, robot operating experience was also carried out and a lot of boys enjoyed the robot operating.
Twenty-one robots joined the competition. About the half of robot owner were sudent and the rest was working members of the socity.
The winner of the tournament was Chrom-Kid (Kupapa). The 2nd place was De-KAHRU (Douraku). The No.1 popular robot was Dyuminus and the 2nd place was Phantom. The video of the tourment were as follows:
Semifinal, Garoo vs Chrom-Kind. Chrom-Kid was the winner.
Semifinal, De-KAHRU vs Shaftgrum. De-KAHRU was the winner.
Final match, Chrom-Kid vs De-KAHRU. Chrom-Kid was the winner.
ROBOSPOT will put `YDH2500`, a new humanoid robot flame set, on the market on Nov. 10, 2009. YDH2500 is designed for building a robot using KRS-2552HV, just for using as the serial servo produced for biped robot by KONDO CO. LTD. The new set is designed by Mr. Yoshimura who called `God of ROBO-ONE`, also designed KHR series robot kit as KHR-1, 2, 3HV.
The new set is consisted of just parts and flames, excluding servo motor KRS-2552HV and control board. The set is produced by ITO REINETSU. To build a robot using this frame set, builder has to get 16 of KRS-2552HV, RCB-3HV which was discounted recently, battery, front cowling, board cover and cords. Manual of the set is uploaded at this site.
Feature of the new frame set, `YDH2500` is as follows;
1) The parts developed for KHR-2HV as the front cowling and bathtub sole, KHR series parts are also available for the new frame set.
2) The structure, the distance of servo to servo of new set is similar to those of the KHR-2HV. Therefore, the sample motions or original motions for KHR-2HV seem to be also available for the robot with the sets.
3) RCB-3HV, the most popular control board developed for KHR-2HV or RCB-4HV, the new control board for the KHR-3HV could be used as the control board.
4) It is the most suitable frame set for the user of KHR-2HV who would like to have an upper grade one.
YDH2500 flame set is consisted as follows; Flames and arms, Hones and free hones (made by Aluminum), Screws, Bath-tub sole S-01, Cable guide, Arm supporter 2500A, Hand set, Adaptor for extension.
The price of the first lot, 100 set is 12,600 yen(including tax), the next 2nd lot will be 16,800 yen (including tax).
As SC-2500B1 , the parts for KRS-2552HV designed by Mr. Yoshimura also have been put on the market, a robot builder could easily modify the robot built by the new set with them.
Robot Professional Wrestling Match, Dekinnoka 5, sponsored by Mr. Omata was carried out at the main ground of Soka-Fusasara Festival in Soka City, Saitama prefecture on Nov. 3rd 2009.
`Dekinnoka` in Japanese, means `Can you do it`? Mr. Omata who loving real professional wrestling, carried out the first Robot Professional Wrestling in Soka on Nov. 3rd, 2008. He explained the 'Robot Professional Wrestling' was not 'Wrestling' but 'Fighting Arts'. The purpose was not only robot fight but also to inform pleasure of robot.
For 'Robot Professional Wrestling Match, the ring surrounded by 3 ropes with red and blue corner like a real 'Professional Wrestling` was prepared. He carried out 7 times `Deinnnoka` during one year. `Deknnoka` has been also supported by the members of the Kanto-training gumi(group). The details of `Deknnoka 2` and `Deknnoka 3` were uploaded in this blog. The details and videos of `Dekinnoka 5` are as follows;
At first as the opening performance, 3 robots played music. Kinopy played the xylophone, Myanoi played the maracas and rsv3 played drum.
The 1st fight was Kanto-heavy-weight single match, Nagaregold vs Thunderbolt. Nagaregold set as having a power using chime and Thunderbolt set as having a power using noisy sound during the fight. Nagaregold won the fight by suing of chime power.
The 2nd fight was the Kanto Heavy Weight Tag Championship title match. As former tag champion rsv3 & Sakura-2 return the champion belts, three pair robots fight to get the title of Kanto Heavy Weight Tag Championship. Three pairs are Kumataro & Kumahiko(a bear doll), Kometa & Chokochoko-maru, Phantom & Dhuminus . One of the pair robot fell down of the ring was loser. The winner pair was Phantom & Dhuminus and got the tag champion belts.
The 3rd fight was the main event of Dekinnnoka 5, the Kanto Heavy Weight Championship title match, the champion Saga vs the challenger Garoo. Saga is well-known as its skill of throwing, on the other hand Garoo is well-known as its thrusting punch. Saga won the fight and kept his champion belt.
Videos were also uploaded by Mr. Omata as follows:'Dekinnoka Official Site`. You can watch the details of the Robot Professional Wrestling videos by clicking each 7 poster of `Deinnoka 1, 2, 2.5, 3, 3.5, 4 and 5`.
The 2nd Robot Fight Competition sponsored by Electric Study Club of HOSEI UNIVERSITY was carried out at HOSEI UNIVERSITY Koganei Campus in Koganei City, Tokyo on Nov 1st, 2009.
Twenty biped robots joined the competition and three kinds of game were carried out. They came up with various ideas to make the game interesting. The first game was Big Ball Pushing match, 2 robots push a big ball (real soccer ball) each other for 1 minute in the field (180 cm x 90 cm).
The second game was ROBO-ONE tournament, a robot fight competition using the regulation that of the 16th ROBO-ONE. The robot got 3 downs including out of the field won the match. As there were big weight differences among robots, light weight robots were given handicap when they fought with heavy robots for 3 minutes. The field size was 180 cm square.
The 3rd game was a tag match fight. Two paired robots tied with the cord fought for 5 minutes in the 180 cm square field. The pair gone out of the field or cut the cord was loser.
The winner of the ROBO-ONE tournament was Chrom-Kid, the second place was Garoo. The winner pair of the tag match fight was Zaura and Koyuki, the second place pair Garoo and Adel. The total champion was Garoo, the second place was Chrom-Kid, the third place was Koyuki. There was also ramble fight, the winner was Deshumit.
The competition videos are as follows;
The 1st game, Big Ball Pushing match. Three rounds were carried out in the each match. The winner of the round got 2 points. This video was collected highlights each one round of the match.
The 2nd game, ROBO-ONE tournament. This video was collected highlights of the 1st stage of tournament.
The 2nd game, ROBO-ONE tournament. This video was collected highlights of the 2nd and 3rd stage of tournament.
The 2nd game, ROBO-ONE tournament. This vide was collected semifinals of the torunament.
The 2nd game, ROBO-ONE tournament. This video was Final match of the tournament.
The 3rd game, Tag match tournament. This video was Semifinal matches of the tournament.
The 3rd game, Tag match tournament. This video was Final match of the tournament.
Robot Fight, "The 2nd U1K, Under 1 Kg" sponsored by RT Co., Ltd. was carried out at RT Office in Akihabara, Tokyo on Oct. 24th, 2009. While the ROBO-ONE humanoids have set the standard under 3 kg at the 15th Championship on May 4th, 2009. Some hobbyist just don’t have the space, resources, or budget to get actively into building large robots. To expand the playing field, RT Co., Ltd. planed an Under 1 Kg biped robot competition.
The regulation of the biped robot body were as follows;
Weight: under 1 kg (including battery), Height: under 60 cm, Total axis: more than 15 ( arm with 6 servos, foot with 8 servos ), Sole size of foot: under 12 cm, Max wide length: under 60 cm, Robot control: wire, radio, IR control or autonomous.
The rule of the game were as follows; Field size: 90 cm square board, robot got 3 downs within 3 minutes was winner, robot gone down from the field was loser, robot could not stand up within ten counts was loser.
Eleven robots attended the competition. As marketed robots, G-ROBOT , JO-ZERO , Robovie-nano are fitting the body regulation, based 2 G-ROBOTs, 3 JO-ZEROs and 3 Robovie-nanoes joined the competition.
The winner was Soga, original robot developed for throwing fight using small size servo by Mr. Igaa who also developed `Saga`. The 2nd Place was Pixie based G-ROBOT by Emanon. The third place was Dampthi-kai.
As the special prize for the weakest robot was JO-ZERO original parts, the tournament for the weakest robot was also carried out. Shakashaka-NANO got the prize.
The video are as follows:
The 1st stage, 4 maches were JOZERO-S vs Pixie, Keinsenyou-ROBO, Danputhi-kai vs ShakaShaka-NANO, Torajiro vs Soga. Winners were Pixie, Keinsenyou-ROBO, Danputhi-kai and Soga.
The 2nd stage, 3 maches were Pixie vs Ikadesu-Uing, Keinsenyou-ROBO vs Shunran, Danputhi-kai vs Shibutsu-3gou. Winners were Pixie, Shunran, Danputhi-kai.
The semifinal, 2 maches were Pixie vs Shunran, Danputhi-kai vs Soga. Winners were Pixie and Soga.
The tournament for the weakest robot, 3 maches were JOZERO-S vs Ikades-Uing, Shinchan vs ShakaShaka-NANO, Shibutsu-3gou vs Torajiro. Three losers had a ramble fight for the weakest robot. The weakest robot was ShakaShaka-NANO.
For the third place match was Shunran vs Dampthi-kai. The 3rd Place was Dampthi-kai.
The final match was Pixie vs Soga. The winner was Soga by Igaa. The 2nd Place was Pixie by Emanon.
The ramble fight was carried out with all robots joined. The winner was also Soga by Igaa.
BestTechnology CO., LTD put FREEDOM jr.Ⅲ , a new humanoid robot kit on the market on Oct 15th, 2009. The characteristics of the new kit are as follows:
1) Actuator
The humanoid robot which adopts simple axial constitution. In each joint, 16 of >
Dynamixel AX-12+ which adopts serial I/F uses. Daisy chain connection make simple wire connection. Equipping system check and processing function such as internal temperature, applied voltage and torque.
2) Sensors in the head
Equipping AX-S1 which builds in the infrared ray sensor, microphone and speaker in the head. Measuring the distance brightness of 3 directions on the front, left and right. Measuring volume of the sound, count of the clap sound and the time which measured the sound. Playback of designated possible buzzer sound with musical interval length. Infrared ray communication, internal temperature and applied voltage measurement.
3) Controller: FDIII-HC
Adopting the exclusive newly designed controller which covers all the Dynamixel series servo and can be used general-purpose. Controlling through USB (wire) and Bluetooth (the radio), state detection by the 3 accelerating sensor, motion data management with a microSD card, power supply voltage monitor and melody playback by the buzzer are equipped as the standard functions.
4) Software: GCC Developer Lite
The software does consistently from programming with C language to the program download to the robot and the communication with the robot.
5) Common motions
As the motion data is relative value from home position (upright posture), the motion data which is retained in the SD card, reproducible even with the other robot. In the case of the parts exchange of the robot, if the home position is corrected, the motion data can be used just like that.
6) Development of the original robot
As the communication protocol of the Dynamixel series is common, the kit robot can change to the higher specifications robot by using the actuator upgraded without the substantial modification of the program.
7) Walking
Robot can walk with changing the step on front, back, left and right, walking period, waist position and leg lifting quantity etc., by walking routine based reverse kinematics. It is possible to Walk on front, back, left and right without the break.
8) Wireless control
The control board loads Bluetooth module as standard. PC loaded Bluetooth (or Bluetooth was increased) can download of program and communicate to robot which put program in practice. Wireless Controller (option in the case of Basic kit ) can control the robot with wireless.
9) C language programming
Using C language programming for development. As API for FREEDOM jr.III (order and function etc) is offered, user can devote to only coding the processing which he would like to do the robot without programming the communication with the actuator and the playback processing of motion personally. Using only the foundation of C language programming, seamless walking, plural motion simultaneous playbacks and background task etc., are feasible. There is the sample program.
9) Robot assembled
As the robot is assembled, the time to introduction is short. There is no worry of the trouble with assembly mistake. As the adjustment of home position and download of the sample program have done beforehand, operation verification is possible immediately.
10) suitable user
FREEDOM ji.III, is more suitable for robot builder who is interested in the C language programming but do not have enough ability, who would like to learn about function needed in the multi axial robots, who would like to make application using feedback of the outside, who would like to verify with small-sized ones and to actualize sooner or later of expansion and enlargement utilization.
Degree of freedom: 16 axes (leg section: 10, arm: 6)
Sensor: AX-S1: Infrared ray reflected sensor and sound sensor
AX-12+: Position detection and torque detection, voltage monitor
FDIII-HC: 3 axial acceleration, voltage monitor
Power source: AC adapter 12V 5Ah and LiPo 11.1V 1000mAh
Communication between PC: The serial communication with USB or Bluetooth
Size: Height 351.5× width 165.6× depth 100 [mm]
Weight: 1.25kg
In addition I/F: Push switch, DIP switch, buzzer, LED and microSD
Development tool: GCC Developer Lite
Main Part List ( Basic kit)
Dynamixel AX-12+ :16
Dynamixel AX-S1:1
Dynamixel cable:17
microSD card:1
In addition:USB cable, AC adapter (FREEDOM and charger combined use) and Power source cable extension
ROBOSPOT, KONDO KAGAKU CO. LTD. announced a new small servo, ROS-3101HV ICS Red Version, developed for robot hand, head, and also small size robot, put on the market. The servo will be ship out on Sept. 19th from ROBOSPOT web shop.
Characteristics of the new small servo are as follows:
1)Metal gear wheel is used all gear wheels.
2)As the servo is developed for serial use only, as KRS-2552HV, it is necessary to use RCB-4HV or RCB-3HV, KCB-1 as a control board. It is possible for daisy chain connection of servos to use a forked road cable (No.01132).
3)Original option parts also will be put on the market.
Specifications are as follows:
Torque: 4 .1kg-cm (11.1V)
Speed: 0.10sec/60° (11.1V)
Maximum moving angle: 120°
Length:L29.6×W11.8×H26mm(excluding projection)
Weight: 17 g (including cable)
Cable size: 100mm, servo connected
Attached Parts: servo-horn is excluded
Price: One servo package is 7,980 yen, 10 servos packaged set is 69,720 yen (Taxes are included)
CRAFT HOUSE will put 'MELISSA Hand Type1', a new type robot hand parts, on the market on Sep. 9, 2009. MELISSA is KRS4000 Series Standard Model, just for using KRS-4000 series servo for biped robot produced by KONDO CO. LTD.
The hand could take hold of such light good as a ping-pong ball, pencil etc. The new type hand set is finished goods consisted of hand unit right and left. The set price is 60,000 yen. Servo motor, servo-horn and free-horn are excluded.
The hand is not suitable for fight. It is necessary to attach protector such a glove when robot fights with the hands. It is also necessary to pay attention not receiving a strong shock. A strong shock could break the hands.
The hand Size is 80mm (from the back of the hand to fingertip) x 60mm (width) x 42mm (thickness), fit for robot with about 50 cm height. Servo motor, KRS-4014HV from KONDO KAGAKU is recommended for the hands.
The prototype of ` MELISSA Hand Type1` was developed by Mr. Yoshimura as `God Hand` which was used for his original robot R-Blue. `God Hand` also can be gotten from Craft House by order received. It costs 180,000 yen. The video of `God Hand ` is as follows.
MELISSA is parts set, so robot builder can make another robot using their surplus servo and parts with the kit. The parts of 'MELISSA' for example, body or legs, also get from Hobby Robot site of CRAFT HOUSE.
KONDO KAGAKU CO. LTD. announced a new type servo, KRS-2552HV ICS Red Version used as the main servo of KHR-3HV, put on the market. The servo has already shipped out and can be gotten from KONDO web shop or other robot shops. The concept of KHR-3HV is easy upgrade by adding from one to five servos. User of KHR-3HV who wants to upgrade his robot can get servos easily.
Characteristics of the new type servo are as follows:
1)Developed for serial connection servo control system
KRS-2552HV is developed for easy servo serial connection to control board, RCB-4HV. Serial connection of servos and control board makes the wiring simple and easy. KRS-4013 and 4014HV also can be connected serial. After this, serial servo connection system seems to be common in the hobby robots.
2)Using all metal gear wheels
Metal gear wheel is used all gear wheels of KRS-2552HV. The gear wheels could endure 14 kg torque which is 1.4 fold that of KRS-788HV (10 kg・cm) used servo in KHR-2HV.
3)Enlarged maximum moving angle
Maximum moving angle 270° is the same those of KRS-4013 or 4014HV which are high class servo of KONDO. Maximum moving angle of same class servo, KRS-788HV is 180°, so the wide moving angle makes the robot motion smooth.
The new servo is also suitable for making original robot because of its cheaper price compared with its torque. The servo can be used with KRS-4013 and 4014HV. However, it is necessary to use RCB-4HV or RCB-3HV as control board because KRS-2552HV is serial use only.
Specifications are as follows:
Torque: 14 kg-cm (11.1V)
Speed: 0.14sec/60° (11.1V)
Maximum moving angle: 270°
Length: 41(H) ×21(W) × 30.5(D) mm
Weight: 41.5 g (excluding cable and servo-horn)
Attached Parts: Cable (300 mm), servo-horn is excluded
Price: One servo package is 7,350 yen, 5 servos packaged set is 32,550 yen, 10 servos packaged set is 59,325 yen (Taxes are included)
Vstone announced Robovie-nano, a small class robot kit using 15 servos `VS-S020` with high mobility, will be put on the market. VS-RC003HV using in the Vstone Robovie series robots is also used as the control board of the kit. The shipment scheduled around middle of September, 2009 from Vstone web shop and other robot shops.
The characteristics of new model are as follows:
1)Compact and high performance robot kit
Using 15 `VS-S020` servos, VS-RC003HV as the control board and parallel-link legs makes up the mobility of the robot, for example, speed and stability of walking.
2)Simple design and reasonable price
Simple robot design and RoboviesMaker2 as motion editor make a reasonable price and easy remodeling with option parts.
3)Original option parts
Using original exterior or grip hands as the option parts makes the robot cool. Option parts also will be put on the market.
Specifications are as follows:
Length: 230 (H)×121(W)×72(D)mm
Weight: 575g (including battery)
Axis: 15 (head 1, arm 6, foot 8)
Servo: VS-S020 x15 (torque: 2.2kg-cm)
Motion editor: RobovieMaker2
Battery: 1.5V Ni-H x4 (excluding the price)
OS: Windows2000/XP/Vista (in Japanese)
Interface: USB
Others: Speaker for robot voice is attached
Price: 49,350 yen(including tax)
The Statue of Gundam sponsored by Gundam Project Executive Committee was opened at Siokaze Park in Tokyo on July 15th, 2009. The Statue is the real size in the story `MOBILE SUIT GUNDAM` as its height is 18 m that of 10 fold of human. The details of the statue are described in Robot Watch. I visited on Aug. 3rd. Videos are as follows;
Robot competition, "The 7th Wandahoo Robot Carnival" sponsored by Mr. Ishikawa was carried out at Telecom Center the 21st Floor, Tokyo on July 19th, 2009.
Thirty-eight robots joined the competition. Four type games, Dash 2000 (2 m foot race), Bottle Traction (pushing or pulling a basket with 500 or 1000 ml bottles for 2 m within 1 min; points are multiplication of number of bottles and distance carried), Dice Shot (dice soccer; points are depended on the spots of dice shot for 150 sec) and Cubs (team game of 3 robots each; carrying cubs to own territory for 2 min) were carried out.
Each robot got points from each game. In the case of team game, winner team robots got points. Four robots gotten much points had a final tournament of robot fight. The rest 34 robots had ramble fights.
The competition started at 13:00. The winner was Sarga (Igaa). The 2nd place was Daigakku (Akitsuka), the 3rd place was Manboo (Tokyo University of Science, Robot Creator), and the 4th place was Zerfer (ShirakazeM). The winner of ramble fights was Alumiy (Omata). And Prot-Zaurer (Kenta) got the right to join the 1st JSRC (Japan Standard Class Robot Community) Championship in Nagoya on October, 2009.
Videos are as follows:
Dash 2000 (2 m foot race) Sarga vs Doka Harumi
Dash 2000 (2 m foot race) Marin vs Mechakogy
Dash 2000 (2 m foot race) Kohana vs Eorz
Bottle Traction (carrying a basket with bottles) Kinopy vs Kabura
Dice Shot (dice soccer) Koyuki vs Kohana
Cubs (Getting cubs, team game) Sarga team vs Daigakku team
I have been enjoying biped robot since 2004, when KHR-1 was put on the market, and collecting information of hobby robots. I would like to upload information about hobby robots in Japan for the hobbyists of biped robot all over the world. As my ability for uploading is limitted, I will introduce just news of product, kit or parts and information of competition etc. with picutures or videos.