Jun 17, 2009

KHR-3HV, a New KONDO Robot, will be put on the market ( June 13, 2009)

KONDO KAGAKU CO. LTD. announced KHR-3HV, a new model will be put on the market in August 2009. The presentation was carried out at the 5th KHR Anniversary in ASAKUSA ROX3 (Tokyo) on June 13th 2009.

KONDO is the leading company of hobby robot and the new robot is the third product of KONDO. The first hobby robot, KHR-1 was developed by KONDO and put on the market in June 2004. The second one, KHR-2HV was put on the market in June 2006. RCB-3HV, the control board developed for KHR-2HV, has been popular among robot builder in Japan.

The shipment scheduled in August 2009 from KONDO or other robot shops. Some parts of KHR-3HV including the control board, RCB-4HV will be also put on the market same schedule.

The characteristics of a new model are as follows:

1) Using a high torque servo, KRS-2552HV (14 kg/cm) which was newly developed for KHR-3HV using serial control system. The torque is 1.4 fold of `KRS-788HV used in KHR-2HV makes the robot jump as you see in the presentation video.

2) The axis, number of using servo motor including head, is 17 ( head 1, arm 6, foot 10 ). User of the KHR-3HV could power up the robot easily by exchanging the empty servo case attached the body to the real servo, KRS-2552HV. User could add 5 servos for 2 leg rolling axis, 1 body rolling axis and 2 arm rolling axis.

3) The control board, RCB-4HV was newly developed for KHR-3HV, could regulate the serial connected servo motors. Therefore, the wiring is very simple.

Specifications are as follows:
Length: 401.05(H)×194.4(W)×129(D)mm
Weight: 1.5kg
Axis: 17 (head 1, arm 6, foot 10)
Servo: KRS-2552HV x17
Motion editor: Heart&Heart4
Battery: 10.8V 800mAh-Ni-H with express battery charger
OS: Windows XP/Vista
Interface: USB1.1 /2.0

The detail of KHR-3HV was described in KONDO KHR-3HV Site and Robot Watch.

KONDO also announced on Nov. 21, 2011 that the English version of the assembly manual for KHR-3HV was available.

Jun 16, 2009

The 5th KHR Anniversary at ASAKUSA ROX3 in Tokyo (June 13-14, 2009)

Robot competition, "The 5nd KHR Anniversary" sponsored by KONDO KAGAKU LTD was carried out in ASAKUSA ROX3 on June 13-14th, 2009.

The first biped hobby robot developed by KONDO, KHR 1 was put on the market in June 2004. The 1st KHR Anniversary was carried out in June 2005. The KHR Anniversary has been planning for KHR user, the major regulation of competition is using of KHR based robots. The competitions carried out on June 13th were KHR Fight, Autonomous KHR Fight, Autonomous Beach Flag, Autonomous Beach Flag Jr, and carried out on June 14th was the 16th KONDO CUP ( soccer ).

KHR Fight, the main event of the 5th KHR Anniversary was joined 32 robots. The winner was Superdigar by Hironocchi and the second place was Seiga by Igaa. The final match video, Superdiggar vs Seiga, is as follows;

KHR Autonomous Fight was joined 3 robots. The winner was Isokowalker2-T by Obana and the second place was ANV-3 by SLAN. The final match video, Isokowalker vs ANV-3, is as follows;

Autonomous Beach Flag had student class and expert class. The winner of student class was 0000 by Nihonnkougakuinn Hachioujischool, the second place was Tama2 by Tamatsukuri High School. The winner of expert class was Isokowalker2 by Obana, the second place was Tama2 by Tamatsukuri Kougyo. The best time was 22.91 second by Isokowalker2. The final match video is as follows;

The 16th KONDO CUP had KHR class and open class. The winner team of the KHR class was Nihonkougakuin Hachiouji scholl. The second place was Kanto-branch team.  The winner team of open class was Trinity, the second place was Strikers☆Stars.