Apr 30, 2012

The 11th Robot Survival Game at AKIBA CULTURES ZONE, Tokyo (Apr.29, 2012)

The 11th Robot Survival Game took place at AKIBA CULTRES ZONE, Tokyo on Apr. 29, 2012.   Robot Survival Game was planned by Tanaka-san and Bishii-san. Mobile, not only multi-legged robot or biped robot but also mobile with wheel or caterpillar, which equipped with toy gun, hit sensor and camera system, can join to play survival game.  The 1st Robot Survival Game took place at Akihabara, Tokyo on July 19, 2010 and the game takes place every 2 months. Tanaka-san also planned several kind of survival game, such as Extermination Battle, Flag Battle and Fortress Battle.

Seven robots joined the 11th Survival Game were Gonbei Mk-Ⅱ(front left), Aigis (front center), Yabusame (front right), CR CANNON (back left), BLACK TIGER L45 (back center left), Stallone (back center right) and Denryu (back right).

Joined 7 robot were divided into two teams. Gons-san Team members were Denryu (Gons), BLACK TIGER L45 (IKETOMU) and CR CANNON (Yoshida).  Noborizaka-san Team were Stallone (Noborizaka), Yabusame (mota), Gonbei Mk-Ⅱ(B-saku) and Aisgis (Tanaka).  One team was consisted with 3 robots, one of three robots was controlled without camera system and laser sighting system, other 2 robots were  controlled by camera system in all battles except for Battle Royal (Rumble Battle).    Battle Royal was carried out without camera system.  The details were also described in Sanzai-san's Blog (in Japanese).

AKIBA CULTRES ZONE, a small exhibition figure room on the underground floor was used as the 11th Robot Survival Game Field.  Robot Survival Games such as Extermination Battle, Flag Battle, Fox Hunting and Battle Royal (Rumble Battle) were carried out.

Apr 28, 2012

ROBOT JAPAN Team joined RoboGames 2012 (Apr 20-21, 2012)

RoboGames is the Olympics of robots from around the world to compete in over 50 different events such as combat robots, fire-fighters, LEGO bots, hockey bots, walking humanoids, soccer bots, sumo bots, and even androids that do kung-fu. Some robots are autonomous, some are remote controlled. As an open event, anyone can join.

The 9th annual games, RoboGames 2012 took place on Apr 20-22, 2012 at San Mateo Event Center in San Mateo, CA.   Fifty-nine event took place and 682 Robots joined of  238 teams from 16 countries.  Results from RoboGames 2012 are here.   

Team Robot Japan joined RoboGames 2012 and got 10 medals.  Real King Kizer custom-built by Maru-san got the Best of Show Gold Medal.     Kageki-san, Lem-san and Sanzai-san reported Team Robot Japan in their blog with cool videos and pictures.

I tried to review games and to collect videos joined Team Robot Japan.  Team Robot Japan robots were introduced in the Robot Japan's web site.   The leaders of Team Robot Japan were Koguma-san and Kazuko-san were introduced in Kageki-san's blog.   Promotion Video of  Team Robot Japan also uploaded as Robot Japan US Tour 2012, Robot Japan US 2012 Tour-2 and Robot Pro Wrestling US Tour 2012 by Lem-san.

Zaura custom-built by Kenta-san is a member robot of Robot Pro-Wrestling `Dekinnoka!'.  Ryuketsu Kamen, KHR-3HV based wrestler robot by Oamata-san who is sponsor of the Robot Pro-Wrestling `Dekinnoka!.  Tokotoko-Maru custom-built by Amino-san is well known as Japaanese classical Japanese dancing robot.  Real King Kizer custom-built by Maru-san moves as Real Steel Robot with 100 cm height.   Kazumin is a KHR-3HV based robot by Oguma-san.   Kazugon is a KHR-3HV based robot by Kazuko-san.  Thunder Bolt, custom-built by Shibata-san is also a member of the Robot Pro-Wrestling.

Kageki-san reported Team Robot Japan in RoboGames 2012 on the 1st day, 2nd day, 3rd day part 1, part 2 and part 3.

Apr 25, 2012

Robot Pro-Wrestling 'Dekinnoka!' in the UK Gadget Show and in RoboGames 2012 (Mar 11, Apr 20-21, 2012)

Robot Professional Wrestling Match, `Dekinnoka!10.5`  took place at Robospot in Akihabara, Tokyo on Mar 11, 2012 for the UK Gadget Show.  ` Dekinnoka` also took place in the RoboGames 2012 on Apr 20-22, 2012 and the main character robot, Ryuketsu Kamen got the Gold medal in the Humanoid Freestyle Kit Class.

`Dekinnoka!` in Japanese, means `Can you do it?`.   As Omata-san, producer of `Dekinnoka` has been loving real professional wrestling, the 1st Robot Professional Wrestling in Soka on Nov. 3rd, 2008 was planned and held by him.   He explained the 'Robot Professional Wrestling' was not 'Wrestling' but 'Fighting Arts'. The purpose of `Dekinnoka!` was not only robot fight but also to inform pleasure of robot.

Dekinnoka 10.5 at Robospot in Akhabara, Tokyo

Details of the UK Gadget Show visiting  Japan, deciding to build a humanoid robot, and getting  in the ring with Robot Pro-Wrestling Robots were described in the ROBOSAVVEY as Robosavvy helped making Gadget Show's Japan robotics episode.    Ninja robot wrestler fought with Ryuketsu Kamen, Yukikaze and the Champion Great Saaga.   

Lem-san introduced videos of UK Gadget Show Visiting Japan and also reported the UK Gadget Show Visits Japan with cool pictures and videos as follows;