Aug 13, 2009

KRS-2552HV, a new type KONDO servo, put on the market ( Aug 11, 2009 )

KONDO KAGAKU CO. LTD. announced a new type servo, KRS-2552HV ICS Red Version used as the main servo of KHR-3HV, put on the market. The servo has already shipped out and can be gotten from KONDO web shop or other robot shops. The concept of KHR-3HV is easy upgrade by adding from one to five servos. User of KHR-3HV who wants to upgrade his robot can get servos easily.
Characteristics of the new type servo are as follows:

1)Developed for serial connection servo control system
KRS-2552HV is developed for easy servo serial connection to control board, RCB-4HV. Serial connection of servos and control board makes the wiring simple and easy. KRS-4013 and 4014HV also can be connected serial. After this, serial servo connection system seems to be common in the hobby robots.

2)Using all metal gear wheels
Metal gear wheel is used all gear wheels of KRS-2552HV. The gear wheels could endure 14 kg torque which is 1.4 fold that of KRS-788HV (10 kg・cm) used servo in KHR-2HV.

3)Enlarged maximum moving angle
Maximum moving angle 270° is the same those of KRS-4013 or 4014HV which are high class servo of KONDO. Maximum moving angle of same class servo, KRS-788HV is 180°, so the wide moving angle makes the robot motion smooth.

The new servo is also suitable for making original robot because of its cheaper price compared with its torque. The servo can be used with KRS-4013 and 4014HV. However, it is necessary to use RCB-4HV or RCB-3HV as control board because KRS-2552HV is serial use only.

Specifications are as follows:
Torque: 14 kg-cm (11.1V)
Speed: 0.14sec/60° (11.1V)
Maximum moving angle: 270°
Length: 41(H) ×21(W) × 30.5(D) mm
Weight: 41.5 g (excluding cable and servo-horn)
Attached Parts: Cable (300 mm), servo-horn is excluded
Price: One servo package is 7,350 yen, 5 servos packaged set is 32,550 yen, 10 servos packaged set is 59,325 yen (Taxes are included)

Aug 11, 2009

Robovie-nano, a small class robot kit, will be put on the market ( Aug 10, 2008 )

Vstone announced Robovie-nano, a small class robot kit using 15 servos `VS-S020` with high mobility, will be put on the market. VS-RC003HV using in the Vstone Robovie series robots is also used as the control board of the kit. The shipment scheduled around middle of September, 2009 from Vstone web shop and other robot shops.

The characteristics of new model are as follows:
1)Compact and high performance robot kit
Using 15 `VS-S020` servos, VS-RC003HV as the control board and parallel-link legs makes up the mobility of the robot, for example, speed and stability of walking.

2)Simple design and reasonable price
Simple robot design and RoboviesMaker2 as motion editor make a reasonable price and easy remodeling with option parts.

3)Original option parts
Using original exterior or grip hands as the option parts makes the robot cool. Option parts also will be put on the market.

Specifications are as follows:
Length: 230 (H)×121(W)×72(D)mm
Weight: 575g (including battery)
Axis: 15 (head 1, arm 6, foot 8)
Servo: VS-S020 x15 (torque: 2.2kg-cm)
Motion editor: RobovieMaker2
Battery: 1.5V Ni-H x4 (excluding the price)
OS: Windows2000/XP/Vista (in Japanese)
Interface: USB
Others: Speaker for robot voice is attached
Price: 49,350 yen(including tax)

The detail are described in Vstone web site and Robot Watch. Motion videos are as follows;

Aug 4, 2009

The Statue of Gundam was opened at Shiokaze Park in Tokyo (July 15th, 2009)

The Statue of Gundam sponsored by Gundam Project Executive Committee was opened at Siokaze Park in Tokyo on July 15th, 2009. The Statue is the real size in the story `MOBILE SUIT GUNDAM` as its height is 18 m that of 10 fold of human. The details of the statue are described in
Robot Watch. I visited on Aug. 3rd. Videos are as follows;