`Dekinnoka!` in Japanese, means `Can you do it?`. As Omata-san has been loving real professional wrestling, the 1st Robot Professional Wrestling in Soka on Nov. 3rd, 2008 was planned and held by him. He explained the 'Robot Professional Wrestling' was not 'Wrestling' but 'Fighting Arts'. The purpose of `Dekinnoka!` was not only robot fight but also to inform pleasure of robot. Promotion and report of Deknnoka!6 have been uploading in this blog.
Wrestling Matches scheduled are as follows;
Opening Match: World Try Out Match
Dyuminus vs Wit-laser
Opening :Flying of Kyonkyon-Kamen
The 1st Match:Tenkaneji Budokai the 1st stage
Thunderbolt vs Nagare-Gold
The 2nd Match: Tenkaneji Budokai the 1st stage
Wanda Hoo vs Zerufar
The 3rd Match: Tenkaneji Budokai the 1st stage
Nagare-BLACKTIGER vs Kyonkyon-Kamen
The 4th Match: Tenkaneji Budokai the 1st stage
Wanmi vs Waroo
The 5th Match: Mascara Contra Rename Captain Fall Elimination Match
Kantou-Branch vs Robokko
The 6th Match: Tenkaneji Budokai Semifinal
Winner of the 1st Match vs Winner of the 2nd Match
The 7th Match: Tenkaneji Budokai Semifinal
Winner of the 3rd Match vs Winner of the 4th Match
The 8th Match: Robot Band `Hikennoka!` Special Match
Kinopy vs MYANOY
The 9th Match: Kantou Heavy Weight Championship
Saaga (Champion) vs Leghorn (Challenger from Dai Beijing Pro-Wrestling)
The 10th Match: Tenaneji Budokai Final
Winner of the 6th Match vs Winner of the 7th Match
Ending :Announcement of the wish by the winner of Tenkaneji Budokai
President Mister Tamao of Robot Pro-Wrestling, who is Omata-san planned not only wrestling match but also the back story of each wrestler character such as a real pro-wrestling match.Detail of the each match is as follows;
Opening Match: World Try Out Match
Dyuminus vs Wit-lazer
Vitlazer is from Belgium. Dyuminus, a female robot is known to the strongest beginner of robot fighter. She is a champion of the 2nd Kantou Heavyweight Tag Championship.
Opening: Flying of Kyonkyon-Kamen
Kyonkyon-Kamen is known to TOKOTOKOMARU with funs in the 18th ROBO-ONE, will try flying in the air.
The 5th Match: Mascara Contra Rename Captain Fall Elimination Match
Kantou-Branch vs Robokko
Team lost the match when the captain is falled. Robot team lost the match, has to remove mascara or change the team name on the spot. Kantou-Branch and Robokko had a game in the 21st KONDO CUP KHR Class and the game ended in a draw.
(Best Martial Arts Screw Tournament On Earth)
(Best Martial Arts Screw Tournament On Earth)
Eight robots join the tournament. Each robot has one Dragon Screw and the winner of each match can get all screws. Fighting rule is as follows; the winner is the robot which drops out of the ring or knocks down his opponent. The winner of the tournament, robot gotten 8 screws can call Nejiron, God of Screw. Nejiron will answer the winner's request. These story is similar to that of `Dragon Ball`.
The 8th Match: Robot Band `Hikennoka!` Special Match
MYANOI vs Kinopy
Kinpy is known to playing xylophone and dram. Kinopy played Shibata's traditional Yasubei-drum in the 18th ROBO-ONE.
The 9th Match: Kantou Heavy Weight Championship
Saaga (Champion) vs Leghorn (Challenger from Dai Beijing Pro-Wrestling)
New Character
'UNKOKING' a new character of Robot Prefessional Wrestling was introduced at the 22nd KONDO CUP KHR Class as a member of Kantou-Branch. Kantou-Branch was the winner of the 22nd KONDO CUP KHR Class.

Reports of `Dekinnoka!`, `Dekinnoka!2`, `Dekinnoka!3`, `Dekinnoka!5` and 'Dekinnoka!6' have been uploaded in this blog. Videos were also uploaded to the 'Dekinnoka Official Site` by Omata-san. You can watch the details of the Robot Professional Wrestling videos by clicking each 7 poster of `Deinnoka! 1, 2, 2.5, 3, 3.5, 4, 5 and 6`.
Last count 8049
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