Dekinnoka!8 will take place at HOBBY ROBOT COLOSSEO, the biggest hobby robot event in Japan which will be held at Shizuoka Convention & Arts Center "GRANSHIP" in Shizuoka City on Sept. 3-4, 2011 during the 50th Japan SF Convention. Dekinnoka!8 in the COLOSSEO will be shown on ‘Ustream HOBBY ROBOT COLOSSEO’ by Ishikawa-san and Tobby-san.
Dekinnoka!8 took place at HOBBY ROBOT COLOSSEO on Sep. 4, 2011 and was shown on 'Ustream HOBBY ROBOT COLOSSEO'. Video of Dekinnoka!8 is also keeping in the HOBBY ROBOT COLOSSEO Channel.
Dekinnoka!8 will be held on Sep 4, as the final event of the HOBBY ROBOT COLOSSEO. The main event of Dekinnoka!8 is a single match:Thunderbolt vs Nagare-Gold. Thunderbolt custom-built by Shibata-san, got Gold Medal of the Androids:FreeStyle-original in RoboGames 2011. Nagare-Gold custom-built by KENTA-san, also got Gold Medal of the Androids: Kung-Fu-MiddleWt in RoboGames 2011. Thunderbolt and Nagare-Gold fought three times in Dekinnoka!5, 6 and 7. Thunderbolt could not win Nagare-Gold. Which robot will be winner?
`Dekinnoka!` in Japanese, means `Can you do it?`. As Omata-san has been loving real professional wrestling, the 1st Robot Professional Wrestling in Soka on Nov. 3rd, 2008 was planned and held by him. He explains the 'Robot Professional Wrestling' is not 'Wrestling' but 'Fighting Arts'. The purpose of `Dekinnoka!` is not only robot fight but also to inform pleasure of robot.
Omata-san also announced, Dekinnoka!9 would be held on Nov. 3 in Soka City, Saitama Prefecture and Dekinnoka!10 on Dec. 25, 2011 at Tsukiji Buddhist Hall, Tokyo.
Promotion Video of Robot Pro-Wrestling, "Dekinnoka!" (Ver. 2011) is as follows;

Reports of `Dekinnoka!`, `Dekinnoka!2`, `Dekinnoka!3`, `Dekinnoka!5`, 'Dekinnoka!6' and 'Dekinnoka!7' have been uploaded in this blog. Videos were also uploaded to the 'Dekinnoka Official Site` by Omata-san. You can watch the details of the Robot Professional Wrestling videos by clicking each 8 poster of `Deinnoka! 1, 2, 2.5, 3, 3.5, 4, 5,6 and 7`.
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Gosh, there is a great deal of worthwhile material above!
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