The purposes of ATHLETE CUP are development of robot technology and activation of the robot-market by providing robot builders and students with a place for exchanging information.
MANOI by KYOSHO, KHR series by KONDO KAGAKU CO., LTD. and Himejisoftworks Zero series which were on the market could join the competition. Revised these robots also could join.
Seven robots joined 5 athletic competitions which were Radio Controlled 5 m Foot Race, Radio Controlled 10 m Obstacle Race, Dancing, Autonomous Beach Flag, Autonomous 20 m Foot Race and High Jump. Each competition winner got a prize, twenty thousand yen.
Competitions were carried out on the athletic field which was 6 m length and 1.8 m width punch-carpet (needle-carpet). Results are shown in Robot Yuenchi Blog.
Radio Controlled 5 m Foot Race
Four robots joined the competition. Each robot could run the 5 m course 3 times. The robot taken the best record was a winner. Robot joined were 1) BLACK TIGER β, 2) ATACO, 3) Purple Star, 4) Metalic MANOI. The winner was ATACO, MANOI revised robot by Hiroki which best record time was 13.60 seconds. Video is each robot's best record of 3 times run.