Ustream Dekinnoka Channel Camrea Rehearsal by Ishikawa-san
Dekinnoka!6 Opening Ceremony
President Mister Tamao of Robot Pro-wrestling, who is Omata-san planned not only wrestling match but also the back story of each wrestler character such as a real pro-wrestling match. He introduced the details of Dekinnoka!6 at the opening ceremony .
Wrestling Matches were as follows;
For discovering robot pro-wrestling characters, challenger robots against Saaga, Kanto Robot Pro-Wrestling Champion have been invited all of the world. The robot passed the examination fight against Saaga, will be able to join every Dekinnoka Pro-wrestling match. The winner was Waroo.
2) `Dekinnoka` vs `Big Beijing Pro-Wretling`, Single Match: Kumataro vs Syonmao. The winner was Kumataro.
3) KONDO TIME-LAG BATTLE ROYAL : with 9 robots joined were KHR-3HV No1, KHR-3HV No2, Karuma, BLACK TIGER 45, Dyuminus, Vanga, Yamate-Line, Ryuketsukamen and Obocchama-kun.Anyrobot, not only biped robot but also even multi-legged or robot with wheels can join the KONDO TIME-LAG BATTLE ROYAL. At first two robot fight in the ring, after 3 minutes a additional robot joins the fight, then every 3 minutes another robot joins the fight. The ring rope of both side are removed for dropping out of ring. The winner is the robot survied on the ring.
4) Semifinal Single Match:Kinopy vs Kyonkyon-kamen
Kinopy was invisible. The winner was Kinopy.
5) Main Event Single Match:Nagaregold vs Thunderbolt
The winner was Nagaregold.
Ending Moivie
Robot Pro-wrestring Dekinnoka was carried out 7 times `Dekinnoka as 1, 2, 2.5, 3, 3.5, 4 and 5` during 2 years. `Deknnoka` has been also supported by the members of Kanto-training gumi(group). Reports of `Dekinnoka 2` ,`Dekinnoka 3` and `Dekinnoka 5` have been uploaded in this blog. Videos were also uploaded to the 'Dekinnoka Official Site` by Omata-san. You can watch the details of the Robot Professional Wrestling videos by clicking each 7 poster of `Deinnoka 1, 2, 2.5, 3, 3.5, 4 and 5`.
Wrestling Matches scheduled are as follows;
2) `Dekinnoka` vs `Big Beijing Pro-Wretling`, Single Match:Kumataro vs Syonmao
3) KONDO TIME-LAG BATTLE ROYAL : with 9 robots
4) Single Match:Kinopy vs Kyonkyon kamen
5) Main Event Single Match:Nagaregold vs Thunderbolt
Dekinnoka!6 Opening Movie
`Dekinnoka` in Japanese, means `Can you do it?`. As Omata-san has been loving real professional wrestling, the 1st Robot Professional Wrestling in Soka on Nov. 3rd, 2008 was planned and held by him. He explained the 'Robot Professional Wrestling' was not 'Wrestling' but 'Fighting Arts'. The purpose of `Dekinnoka` was not only robot fight but also to inform pleasure of robot.
President Mister Tamao of Robot Pro-wrestling, who is Omata-san planned not only wrestling match but also the back story of each wrestler character such as a real pro-wrestling match.
Anyrobot, not only biped robot but also even multi-legged or robot with wheels can join the KONDO TIME-LAG BATTLE ROYAL. Ten robots have been invited applications from robot builders. BLACK TIGER L45 also applied the Battle Royal. At first two robot fight in the ring, after 3 minutes a additional robot joins the fight, then every 3 minutes another robot joins the fight. The ring rope of both side are removed for dropping out of ring. The winner is the robot survied on the ring.
For discovering robot pro-wrestling characters, challenger robots against Saaga, Kanto Robot Pro-Wrestling Champion have been invited all of the world. The robot passed the examination fight against Saaga, will be able to join every Dekinnoka Pro-wrestling match.
Thunderbolt was seeking Nagaregold, his old enemy of Robot Pro-wresling Dekinnoka in the 18th ROBO-ONE preliminary demonstration contest on Aug 28th, 2010. However, Thunderbolt did not find Nagaregold in Shibata. Video was as follows;
Single Match: Kumataro vs Syonmao
Dekinnoka!6 promotion video of the 2nd match, Kumataro vs Syonmao. A giant panda robot 'Syonmao' from Big Beijing Pro-Wretling will fight against `Kumataro`.
For Robot Professional Wrestling Match, the ring surrounded by 3 ropes with red and blue corner like a real Professional Wrestling is preparing. He carried out 7 times `Dekinnoka as 1, 2, 2.5, 3, 3.5, 4 and 5` during 2 years. `Deknnoka` has been also supported by the members of Kanto-training gumi(group). Reports of `Dekinnoka 2` ,`Dekinnoka 3` and `Dekinnoka 5` have been uploaded in this blog.
New Characters
'RYUKETSU-KAMEN' a new character of Robot Prefessional Wrestling was introduced at ROBO-ONE 18th in Shibata by Omata-san. Video of the 1st stage fight against Garoo was as follows;
REFREE ROBOT, Fantom Fantom by Black-san will join as a referee robot. Fantom fought against Kawasaki Robot `Remesis` in the Dekinnoka 1. He was injured his neck at the match and retired as an active wrestler.
Videos were also uploaded to the 'Dekinnoka Official Site` by Omata-san. You can watch the details of the Robot Professional Wrestling videos by clicking each 7 poster of `Deinnoka 1, 2, 2.5, 3, 3.5, 4 and 5`.
The 2nd Robot Survival Game took place at ASOBITCITY in Akihabara, Tokyo on Sep 11th, 2010. Variety of robot, not only multi-legged robot such as 4-legged, 5-legged, 6-legged with wheels but also mobiles such as tank with 4-wheels or caterpillars joined the game.
The organizer who were Tanaka-san (Dainihon-giken) and Bishii-san (Asakusa-giken)announced on Dec 4th, 2009 that they began to make multi-legged robots for robot survival game with toy gun and sensor for detecting the impact, which were controlled using image monitor such as Mech Warfarein U.S.A. The movement of making multi-legged robot in Japan began from this announce. Recently multi-legged robots joined the 11th International Space (MARS CHALLENGER) Contest on Aug 29th, 2010.
Trials were held twice for getting information of the robot survival game such as gun-shoot range of height and radio control and camera system without confusion on April 10th and June 13th. The 1st Robot Survival Game took place at the at ASOBITCITY in Akihabara, Tokyo on July 19th, 2010.
Main regulations of the robot survival game are as follows;
(1) Mobile bodies are not only multi-legged robot or biped robot but also mobile with wheel or caterpillar.
(2) Weapons are toy-gun under 0.1 J and/or the other shooting system.
(3) Equipped stopping mechanism of the body by gun-hit sensor using a solar battery covered with tinfoil(6 x 6 x 6 cm cubed or 5 x 6 x 7 cm).
(4) Robot control has to be done with the image on PC from the camera attached on the robot.
(5) Participants have to handle toy-gun carefully and put protector on eyes.
In the 2nd Game, every robot attatched a dead marker colored team color which was made by Tanaka-san as follows.
Seven robots (including mobile bodies with wheels or caterpillars) with full equipments for the regulation joined the 2nd Robot Survival Game are as follows;
`Vanga`, 6-legged with wheels robot was custom-built by Igaa. It could move very fast using wheel system.
`Arnold Stallone`, 4-legged turtle robot with KCB-3WL, which was a new board for remote controlling robot system from KONDO by watching image around the robot on PC, with double guns system was custom-built by Noborizaka.
`Osaru-2.5gou`, mobile with caterpillars attached a rubber band frotress was custum-built by Osaru.
` BLACK TIGER L45`, 5-legged robot was custom-built by IKETOMU.
`Yabusame`, 4-legged robot was custom-built by Mota.
`Denryu’ with 4 wheel body was custom-built by gons.
`Goryu`, mobile was custom-built by Koizumi.
Tanaka-san planed field layout to use long shooting range valuable as follows;
In the 2nd Robot Survival Game, 8 games took place such as following;
[Team game] Each team has territory. Robots can put in each territory field at the beginning of the game. Game time is 5 minutes.
1. Extermination Fight (Destroy the enemy completely). Each team fights to destroy the enemy completely within 5 minutes. The winner team is having larger number of survival robot after 5 minutes.
2. Flag Fight. Each team fights to shoot down flag in the enemy territory. The winner is the team shot down the enemy flag within 5 minutes or the team which has larger number of survival robot after 5 minute in the case of each flag does not shoot down within 5 minutes.
[Duel Fight] Just 2 robots fight in the field. Using of field and fighting time is free.
The 1st Game: Extermination game (Destroy the enemy completely), without camera system. Vanga, BT-L45 vs Osaru2.5, Arnold Stallone.
Multi-Camera System
The 2nd Game: Extermination game (Destroy the enemy completely), without camera system. Vanga, BT-L45 vs Osaru2.5, Arnold Stallone.
The 3rd Game: Extermination game, using camera system. Vanga, BT-L45 vs Osaru2.5, Arnold Stallone.
Preparing hit sensor covered with tinfoil of BT-L45
The 4th Game: Flug game, without camera system. Vanga, BT-L45, Yabusame vs Osaru2.5, Arnold Stallone.
The 5th Game: Flug game, without camera system. Vanga, BT-L45, Yabusame vs Osaru2.5, Arnold Stallone.
The 6th Game: Fight a dual; Vanga vs Genryu.
The 7th Game:The Vanguard Fight; BT-L45, Yabusame, Osaru2.5 and Arnold Stallone
The 8th Game:The General Fight; Vanga, Denryu and Goryu.
Practice of Robot Survival Game at the Kantou-gumi Trainning Meeting
After the 2nd Robot Survival Game, some attendants joined the Kanto-gumi Trainning Mettting, taken place at Tokyo City University. Practice of robot survival game was carried out under the mosquito net. Combat Shooting is practice game for trainning of shoot skill. Player moves to the No.1 shooting place from the starting point and push down the 1st pole and then shoot the 1st target. After shooting down the 1st target, player moves to next place and push down the 2nd pole and shoot the 2nd target. Winner is the shortest time player for shot down 3 targets. The target is a cut 1 L milk paper pack.
Combat shooting was carried out using camera system by Osaru2.5.
Fight with 3 robots, BLACK TIGER L45, Yabusame and Osaru2.5 took place without camera system. The winner was Osaru2.5.
ROBO-ONE 18th in Shibata, Biped Robot Tournament sponsored ROBO-ONE Committee, took place in Shibata, Niigata Prefecture on Aug 28-29, 2010. I did not join the competition but collected information and reviewed the 18th ROBO-ONE for myself.
The 1st ROBO-ONE took place in Kawasaki on Feb 2-3, 2002. In these years, twice tournaments were carried out in a year. One was tournament with winners of the local robot competition and the other was tournament with robots gotten through the preliminary demonstration contest.
The main regulation of the 18th ROBO-ONE was the weight of robot, which was 10 kg or under 10 kg. The body regulation except for body weight was almost the same that of the 17th. Thirty-two robot selected in the preliminary demonstration contest on the first day and the final tournament took place on the second day. Fifty-nine biped robots registered the competiton and 39 robots demonstrated in the preliminary competition. The results of preliminary contest and final tournament were described in the ROBO-ONE result site. The prize money in the prelminary contest and final tournament for the 1st, 2nd and 3rd place were 500,000 yen, 100,000 yen and 50,000 yen respectively.
Preliminary Demonstration Contest
The theme of the prelimary demonstration were public presentation for Shibata and up and down of the slope which angle was opened on the day. Therefore walking up and down the slope was difficult for all robots except for Garoo. The 1st place was Omunishibatan, 2nd place was Garoo and 3rd place was Kinopy.
No1. Thunderbolt (60) by Robot Pro-Wrestling Dekinnoka. Thunderbolt was seeking Nagare-Gold, his old enemy of Robot Pro-wresling Dekinnoka. They are going to fight at the Dekinnoka6 on Sep 25th, 2010.
No33 Kinopy (437) by Oda-san : The 3rd Place. Kinopy played Shibata's traditional Yasubei-drum. Because Oda-san was born in Shibata and good at Yasubei-drum.
No35 Frosty (201) by FrostyDesign. Twice of back flip was carried out. Frosty is the first robot can back flip.
No39 Robot (729) by Yamada-san.
No41 Garoo (486) by Kumama-san : The 2nd Place. Garoo could pass the difficulty slope.
I have been enjoying biped robot since 2004, when KHR-1 was put on the market, and collecting information of hobby robots. I would like to upload information about hobby robots in Japan for the hobbyists of biped robot all over the world. As my ability for uploading is limitted, I will introduce just news of product, kit or parts and information of competition etc. with picutures or videos.