Nov 24, 2010

New Robot Kit and Robot Control Software at Make: TOKYO Meeting 06 (Nov 20-21, 2010)

Make:Tokyo Meeting 06 sponsored by O’Reilly Media, Inc., publisher of the Magazine `Make` for hobbyist of making something, took place at Tokyo Institute Technology on Nov 20-21, 2010.   Lots of exhibition, such as electric circuit, art, DIY, craft, science etc. were introduced.

Bioloid GP
Sugiura-san introduced `Bioloid GP`, a new robot kit of ROBOTIS at Make: TOKYO Meeting 06 on Nov 20-21st, 2010. The new robot will be put on the market near future in Japan. Bioloid GP has 18 axes with AX-18 servo which torque is 18 kg・cm.

Pictures of the new robot kit in the case and assembling robot kit were described in Sugiura-san's blog. Lem-san also described and uploaded the new robot video at Make: TOKYO Meeting 06 in his blog.

V-Sido, a new excellent robot control software was demonstrated in Futaba booth.  The details of the software are also described in the video【ニコニコ動画】【V-Sido】赤い彗星のMSを市販機ベースでつくってみた. The software has been providing to robot users.

Robot Related Exhibitions at Make: Tokyo Meeting 06
Some exhibition robot related videos were as follows;

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Nov 22, 2010

The 3rd Robot Survival Game took place at Make: Tokyo Meeting 06 (Nov 20-21, 2010)

Make:Tokyo Meeting 06 sponsored by O’Reilly Media, Inc., publisher of the Magazine `Make` for hobbyist of making something, took place at Tokyo Institute Technology on Nov 20-21, 2010.   Lots of exhibition, such as electric circuit, art, DIY, craft, science etc. were introduced.

The 3rd Robot Survival Game took place for 2 days at Make: Tokyo Meeting 06.  Tanaka-san and other members demonstrated some kind of survival game and also exhibited robots and mobiles with gun and sensor systems of Robot Survival Game at the exhibition room.  Tanaka-san planed field layout with travel cases because there were no cardboard boxes.

Eight robots and mobiles joined
BLACK TIGER L45 did not join because I was too busy to prepare my robot.  Eight robots and mobiles joined were as follows;

`Arnold Stallone`, which was changed from 4-legged to 6-legged robot with KCB-3WL, which was a new board for remote controlling robot system from KONDO by watching image around the robot on PC, with double guns system was custom-built by Noborizaka. 

`Denryu’ with 8 wheels mobile was custom-built by gons.

`Goryu`, mobile with wheel for Robot Sumo was custom-built by Koizumi.

'Gunroller-kai', mobile with wheel which was based Gunroller on the market by Tanaka.

`Osaru-2.5gou`, 6-legged robot was custum-built by Osaru. He is 11 years old and made this new 6-legged robot.

'Σ (Shiguma)', 6-legged robot was custum-built by Shimaken.

`Vanga`, 6-legged with wheels robot was custom-built by Igaa. It could move very fast using wheel system.

`Yabusame`, 4-legged robot was custom-built by Mota.

Main regulations of the Robot Survival Game are as follows;
1) Mobile bodies are not only multi-legged robot or biped robot but also mobile with wheel or caterpillar.
2) Weapons are toy-gun under 0.1 J and/or the other shooting system.
3) Equipped stopping mechanism of the body by gun-hit sensor using a solar battery covered with tinfoil (6 x 6 x 6 cm cubed or 5 x 6 x 7 cm).
4) Robot control has to be done with the image on PC from the camera attached on the robot.
5) Participants have to handle toy-gun carefully and put protector on eyes.

Standard Gun-Hit Sensor Flame
Tanaka-san planed new standard gun-hit sensor flame for easy covering with tinfoil. Most of members used  standard ones in the 3rd Robot Survival Game.

Robot Survival Games
Two kinds of team game took place. Eight robots were dived into two teams.   Game time is 3 minutes.

1. Destroy the enemy completely: Each team fights to destroy the enemy completely within 3 minutes. The winner team is having larger number of survival robot after 3 minutes.  Three games took place without camera system.

2. Flag fight: Each team fights to shoot down flag in the enemy territory as the combat shooting. The winner is the team shot down the enemy flag within 3 minutes or the team which has larger number of survival robot after 3 minutes in the case of each flag does not shoot down within 3 minutes.  Three games took place without camera system.

The details were described in TOKYO TEK blog (in English),  Sanzai-san's blog (1) (2) , Osaru-kun blog, Daily Portal Z and Tanaka-san's blog (in Japanese).

Trials of the Robot Survival Game were held twice on April 10th and June 13th, 2010. The 1st Robot Survival Game took place on July 19th and the 2nd one on Sep 11th, 2010 at ASOBITCITY in Akihabara, Tokyo and the details were described in this blog.

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Nov 5, 2010

`Dekinnoka!7` Robot Pro-Wrestling Match took place in Soka City (Nov 3, 2010)

Robot Professional Wrestling Match, `Dekinnoka!7`, sponsored by Omata-san took place in Soka City on Nov 3rd, 2010 during Soka Fusasara the 19th Soka Chamber of Commerce and Industry Festival. Two stages were carried out, the 1st one (open rehearsal) took place 10:30 am to 12:30 and the 2nd one (real) 1:30 pm to 3:30 pm (JST).

    My custum-built robot `BLACK TIGER NEO` also joined as `Nagare-BLACKTIGER`.    `BLACK TIGER NEO` has autonomous fight system. However `BLACK TIGER NEO` fought through radio control in the Tenkaneji Budokai.

`Dekinnoka!` in Japanese, means `Can you do it?`. As Omata-san has been loving real professional wrestling, the 1st Robot Professional Wrestling in Soka on Nov. 3rd, 2008 was planned and held by him. He explained the 'Robot Professional Wrestling' was not 'Wrestling' but 'Fighting Arts'. The purpose of `Dekinnoka!` was not only robot fight but also to inform pleasure of robot.

President Mister Tamao of Robot Pro-Wrestling, who is Omata-san planned not only wrestling match but also the back story of each wrestler character such as a real pro-wrestling match.   Promotion of Deknnoka!7 have been uploading in this blog.

Results of Wrestling Matches were as follows;
Opening: Flying of Kyonkyon-Kamen was cancelled because of machine trouble.

Opening Match: World Try Out Match
Dyuminus vs Wit-lazer
Wit-lazer is from Belgium. Dyuminus, a female robot is known to the strongest beginner of robot fighter. She is a champion of the 2nd Kantou Heavyweight Tag Championship. Dyuminus got the match.

Tenkaneji Budokai
(Best Martial Arts Screw Tournament On Earth)


Eight robots joined the tournament. Each robot had one Dragon Screw and the winner of each match could get all screws. Fighting rule is as follows; the winner is the robot which drops out of the ring or knocks down his opponent. The winner of the tournament, robot gotten 8 screws can call Nejiron, God of Screw. Nejiron will answer the winner's request. These storys are similar to that of `Dragon Ball`.

The 1st Match:Tenkaneji Budokai the 1st stage
Thunderbolt vs Nagare-Gold
Thunderbolt and Nagaregold fought two times in Dekinnoka!5 and 6.   Thunderbolt could not win Nagaregold.  Which robot was winner?

The 2nd Match: Tenkaneji Budokai the 1st stage
Wanda Hoo vs Zerufar

The 3rd Match: Tenkaneji Budokai the 1st stage
Nagare-BLACKTIGER vs Kyonkyon-Kamen

The 4th Match: Tenkaneji Budokai the 1st stage
Wanmi vs Waroo

The 5th Match: Mascara Contra Rename Captain Fall Elimination Match
Kantou-Branch vs Robokko
Team losts the match when the captain is out of the ring. Robot team losts the match, has to remove mascara or change the team name on the spot.  Kantou-Branch and Robokko had a game in the 21st KONDO CUP KHR Class and the game ended in a draw.  Kantou-Branch lost the match.  Therefore, Mister Tamao put off his mask.  Who was he?

The 6th Match: Tenkaneji Budokai Semifinal
Winner of the 1st Match vs Winner of the 2nd Match
Nagare-Gold vs Zerufar

The 7th Match: Tenkaneji Budokai Semifinal
Winner of the 3rd Match vs Winner of the 4th Match
Nagare-BLACKTIGER vs Waroo

The 8th Match: Robot Band `Hikennoka!` Special Match
MYANOI vs Kinopy
Myanoi danced and Kinopy played drum and xylophone. Kinopy played xylophone with Ms Saeko Ogawa who played flute. The match ended in a draw.

The 9th Match: Kantou Heavy Weight Championship
Saaga (Champion) vs Leghorn (Challenger from Dai Beijing Pro-Wrestling)
The winner was Saaga.  Leghorn lost the match, therefor he was cooked to flied chickin.

The 10th Match: Tenkaneji Budokai Final
Winner of the 6th Match vs Winner of the 7th Match
Zerufar vs Waroo 
Waroo got the match and all eight screws.

Ending : Announcement of the wish by Waroo, the winner of Tenkaneji Budokai
The winner Waroo asked Nejiron that Leghorn survive.

Robots joined 'Dekinnoka!7' in the backstage

Lem-san has uploaded Dekinnoka!7 cool pictures and video in his blog.  Omata-san also has uploded fine videos in his YouTube channel. Hikima-san also uploaded video of Wanmi and cool pictures of other robots joined to her blog site, naoko x robot. Nakayan-san reported Leghorn activity in Dekinnoka!7. Details of Dekinnoka!7 were reported in Dekinnoka! blog site by Omata-san. Sanzai-san also reported Open Rehearsal and Real Stage in his blog (in Japanese).  Garu-san also reported the details with fine picture and videos in his blog (in Japanese).

Omata-san carried out 8 times `Dekinnoka! as 1, 2, 2.5, 3, 3.5, 4, 5 and 6` during 2 years. `Deknnoka!` has been also supported by the members of Kanto-training-gumi (group).

Reports of `Dekinnoka!`, `Dekinnoka!2`, `Dekinnoka!3`, `Dekinnoka!5` and 'Dekinnoka!6' have been uploaded in this blog. Videos were also uploaded to the 'Dekinnoka Official Site` by Omata-san. You can watch the details of the Robot Professional Wrestling videos by clicking each 7 poster of `Deinnoka! 1, 2, 2.5, 3, 3.5, 4, 5 and 6`.

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