Dekinnoka!11 video as Robot Pro-Wrestling was also uploaded by NHKonline.
Dekinnoka!11 was held as Tenkaneji Budokai 3rd (Best Martial Arts Screw Tournament On Earth 2nd). My custom-built robot `BLACK TIGER NEO` also joined as `Nagare-BLACKTIGER`.
President Mister Tamao of Robot Pro-Wrestling, who is Omata-san planned not only wrestling match but also the back story of each wrestler character such as a real pro-wrestling match. Promotion of Deknnoka!11 have been uploaded.
Dekinnoka!11 was opened by Japanese Dancing of Tokotoko-maru and Line Dancing of Meters, mini Metallic Fighters was also carried out. Opening match, Metallic Fighter vs Haruo, flying robot was carried out. The flying robot was custom-built by Amino-san.
Tenkaneji Budokai 3rd
(Best Martial Arts Screw Tournament On Earth 3rd)
(Best Martial Arts Screw Tournament On Earth 3rd)
Eight robots joined the tournament were Nagare-Yellow, Yukikaze, Newtrino, Wandahoo, Zerfar, Nagare-BLACKTIGER, Thunderbolt and Nagare-Gold. Each robot had one Dragon Screw and the winner of each match could get all screws. Fighting rule was as follows; the winner was the robot which dropped out of the ring or knocked down his opponent. The winner of the tournament, robot gotten 8 screws could call Nejiron, God of Screw. Nejiron would answer the winner's request. These storys were similar to those of `Dragon Ball`.
The 1st Match:Tenkaneji Budokai the 1st stage
Yukikaze vs Nagare-Yellow
The 2nd Match: Tenkaneji Budokai the 1st stage
Newtrino vs Wandahoo
The 3rd Match: Tenkaneji Budokai the 1st stage
Nagare-BLACKTIGER vs Zerfar
The 4th Match: Tenkaneji Budokai the 1st stage
Thunderbolt vs Nagare-Gold
The 5th Match: Tenkaneji Budokai Semifinal
Winner of the 1st Match vs Winner of the 2nd Match
Yukikaze vs Newtrino
The 6th Match: Tenkaneji Budokai Semifinal
Winner of the 3rd Match vs Winner of the 4th Match
Zerfar vs Nagare-Gold
The 7th Match: Robot Pro-Wrestling Handicap Match
Kyonkyonkamen vs Ryuketsu 48
The 7th Match: Special Single Match
Waroo vs Wanbi
The 8th Match: Tenkaneji Budokai Final
Winner of the 5th Match vs Winner of the 6th Match
Newtrino vs Nagare-Gold
The winner was Nagare-Gold and got all eight screws. Announcement of the wish by Nagare-Gold, the winner of Tenkaneji Budokai
The winner Nagare-Gold asked Nejiron that he could have a match with Saaga, which is in Puerto Rico for his pro-wrestling training. Nejiron answered that his wish would be fulfilled at once.
Final Match:
Saaga vs Nagare-Gold

Reports of `Dekinnoka!`, `Dekinnoka!2`, `Dekinnoka!3`, `Dekinnoka!5`, 'Dekinnoka!6' , Dekinnoka!7' , `Dekinnoka!8` , `Dekinnoka!9` , `Dekinnoka!10` and `Dekinnoka!10.5 have been uploaded in this blog. Videos were also uploaded to the 'Dekinnoka Official Site` by Omata-san. You can watch the details of the Robot Professional Wrestling videos by clicking each 10 poster of `Deinnoka! 1, 2, 2.5, 3, 3.5, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 , 9` and 10.
Reports of `Dekinnoka!`, `Dekinnoka!2`, `Dekinnoka!3`, `Dekinnoka!5`, 'Dekinnoka!6' , Dekinnoka!7' , `Dekinnoka!8` , `Dekinnoka!9` , `Dekinnoka!10` and `Dekinnoka!10.5 have been uploaded in this blog. Videos were also uploaded to the 'Dekinnoka Official Site` by Omata-san. You can watch the details of the Robot Professional Wrestling videos by clicking each 10 poster of `Deinnoka! 1, 2, 2.5, 3, 3.5, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 , 9` and 10.
Since Oct. 19th, 2009
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