Jul 19, 2016

Robot Pro-Wrestling Match, `Dekinnoka!27` took place in Hida-Kamioka (July 17, 2016)

Robot Professional Wrestling Match, `Dekinnoka!27`  took place at "Hida-Kamioka Funatuza" in Hida City, Gifu during on July 17, 2016.  The 1st stage started 1:15 pm and the 2nd stage started 4:15 pm (JST).

`Dekinnoka!` in Japanese, means `Can you do it?`. As Omata-san has been loving real professional wrestling, the 1st Robot Professional Wrestling in Soka on Nov. 3rd, 2008 was planned and held by him.

He explained the 'Robot Professional Wrestling' was not 'Wrestling' but 'Fighting Arts'. The purpose of `Dekinnoka!` was not only robot fight but also to inform pleasure of robot. 

The matches were shown on `YouTube Hida-Shin Supporter Channel`.

The 1st stage video
The 2nd stage video

Wrestling Matches of each stage scheduled was as follows;

Opening Match:

The 2nd Match:

The 3rd Match:

Main Event:

Robot Pro-Wrestling `Dekinnoka!` took place  during 9 years. `Deknnoka!` has been also supported by the members of Kanto-Robot-Training-Group.

Reports of `Dekinnoka!`, `Dekinnoka!2`, `Dekinnoka!3`, `Dekinnoka!5`, 'Dekinnoka!6' , Dekinnoka!7' , `Dekinnoka!8`  , `Dekinnoka!9` , `Dekinnoka!10`,`Dekinnoka!10.5`Dekinnoka!11 , Dekinnoka!13, Dekinnoka!16 , Dekinnoka!18  and  Dekinnoka!26 have been uploaded in this blog. Videos were also uploaded to the 'Dekinnoka Official Site` by Omata-san. You can watch the details of the Robot Professional Wrestling results and videos by clicking each poster of Deinnoka!

Since Oct. 19th, 2009

Jul 18, 2016

The 13rd Wandahoo Robot Carnival took place in Kawasaki City on July 16th, 2016

The 13rd Wandahoo Robot Carnival took place at Sunpian Kawasaki in Kawasaki City on July 16th, 2016.  Eighteen robots joined the 13th Wandahoo.  The competition was shown on  `Ustream Wandahoo Robot Carnival` from 12:00 to 17:00, July 16th 2016. (JST).

The 1st place was Dark-Thunder built by Moriken-san, the second place was Goulio by Goba-san and the third place was Sakura-2gou by Yoshida-familia.

Sanzai-san reported the details in his blog (in Japasense).

 `Ustream Wandahoo Robot Carnival` is also keeping videos of all competitions. 

Program was as follows;
12:00 Introduction of Participating Robots
12:20 Opening Ceremony
12:30 Dash 2000
13:10 Bottle Traction
14:20 Dice Shot
15:10 Cubs
15:35 Rumble Fight
16:00 Robot Fight, Final Tournament
16:30 Closing Ceremony

Wandahoo Robot Carnival is sponsored by Ishikawa-san and supported by the members of Kanto ROBOT Practice(Kanto-gumi Robot Training Meeting). Ishikawa-san and his stuffs are busy preparing USTREAM Live system of the Carnival now.

The Carnival is robot competition consisted with various four type games such as Dash 2000 (competition of 2 robots, 2 m U-turn course foot race; each robot gets points depended on the order of record time), Bottle Traction (pushing or pulling a basket with 500 or 1000 ml bottles for 2 m within 1 minute; points are multiplication of number of bottles and distance carried), Dice Shot (dice soccer of 2 robots; each robot gets points depended on the spots of dice shot for 2 minutes) and Cubs (team game of 3 robots each, carrying cubs to own territory for 2 minutes; winner team members get points) and Robot Fight with the best 4 robots. Therefore, this Carnival is called `Robot Olympic`.

Each robot gets points from each game. In the case of team game, winner team member robots gets points. Four robots gotten many points can join the final tournament of Robot Fight. The rest robots have Ramble Fights. Those games were planned by Ishikawa-san.
It is necessary for winner that the robot has a high activity with performance and also good luck.

The 1st Carnival took place on July 16, 2006 and then the Carnival held twice in January and July every year. From 2010, the Carnival takes place in July once a year. Animader-san painted each event poster. As for the poster gallery, click here. The theme song of Carnival also can be downloaded here.

The series of Wandahoo Robot Carnival Result; Reports are as follows;

The 1st Wandahoo Robot Carnival at Bunkyo Civic Center on July 16, 2006
The 2nd Wandahoo Robot Carnival at Bunkyo Civic Center on Jan 17, 2007
The 3rd Wandahoo Robot Carnival at Bunkyo Civic Center on July 15, 2007
The 4th Wandahoo Robot Carnival at Bunkyo Civic Center on Jan 13, 2008
The 5th Wandahoo Robot Carnival at Bunkyo Civic Center on July 20, 2008
The 6th Wandahoo Robot Carnival at Institute of Industry Promotion Kawasaki on Jan 11, 2009 :Report
The 7th Wandahoo Robot Carnival at Telecom Center on July 19, 2009 :Report
The 8th Wandahoo Robot Carnival at Electric Power Historycal Museum on July 11, 2010 :Promotion
The 9th Wandahoo Robot Carnival at Takaonomori Wakuwaku Village on July 15, 2012 :Promotion
The 10th Wandahoo Robot Carnival at Takaonomori Wakuwaku Village on Dec 7, 2013 :Promotion
The 11th Wandahoo Robot Carnival at Takaonomori Wakuwaku Village on July 20, 2014 :Promotion

Additional petch carnival also took place twice as follows:
"Wandahoo Robot Carnival Petit" in Soka Fusasara Festival on Nov 2, 2008 :Report
"Wandahoo Robot Carnival Petit 2" in the 6th MONO CREATOR FESTIVAL 2009 Spring on Apr 29, 2009 :Report
Wandahoo Robot Carnival For JSRC on Feb 11, 2011 :Promotion

Since Oct. 19th, 2009

Jul 4, 2016

Promotion of Robot Pro-Wrestling Match: `Dekinnoka!27` will take place in Hida-Kamioka, Gifu on July 17, 2016

Robot Professional Wrestling Match, `Dekinnoka!27`  will take place at "Hida-Kamioka Funatuza" in Hida City, Gifu during on July 17, 2016.  The 1st stage starts 1:15 pm and the 2nd stage starts 4:15 pm (JST).

The matches will be shown on `YouTube Hida-Shin Supporter Channel` from 3 pm to 5 pm (JST).

`Dekinnoka!` in Japanese, means `Can you do it?`. As Omata-san has been loving real professional wrestling, the 1st Robot Professional Wrestling in Soka on Nov. 3rd, 2008 was planned and held by him.

He explained the 'Robot Professional Wrestling' was not 'Wrestling' but 'Fighting Arts'. The purpose of `Dekinnoka!` was not only robot fight but also to inform pleasure of robot. 

Promotion Vide of the 'Dekinnoka!27'
Wrestling Matches of each stage scheduled are as follows;

Opening Match:

The 2nd Match:

The 3rd Match:

Main Event:

Robot Pro-Wrestling `Dekinnoka!` took place  during 9 years. `Deknnoka!` has been also supported by the members of Kanto-Robot-Training-Group.

Reports of `Dekinnoka!`, `Dekinnoka!2`, `Dekinnoka!3`, `Dekinnoka!5`, 'Dekinnoka!6' , Dekinnoka!7' , `Dekinnoka!8`  , `Dekinnoka!9` , `Dekinnoka!10`,`Dekinnoka!10.5`Dekinnoka!11 , Dekinnoka!13, Dekinnoka!16 , Dekinnoka!18  and  Dekinnoka!26 have been uploaded in this blog. Videos were also uploaded to the 'Dekinnoka Official Site` by Omata-san. You can watch the details of the Robot Professional Wrestling results and videos by clicking each poster of Deinnoka!