Dec 29, 2010

Humanoid Helper Project 3rd, Biped Robot Class and ROBO-ONE 9 m Footrace ( Dec 26, 2010)

Humanoid Helper Project (HHP) 3rd, Biped Robot Class and ROBO-ONE 9 m Footrace took place at Housquare Yokohama on Dec 26, 2010.

The purpose of HHP is to commercialize useful robot for human through competitions. The 1st competition preliminary took place as ‘Helper Robot Project’ in Kawasaki on Aug 17th and final took place on Sep 6th, 2008.  HHP 2nd took place at Housquare Yokohama on Feb 20-21, 2010.   In the HHP 3rd, Table Robot Class competition took place for the first time on Dec 25.

HHP 3rd, Biped Robot Class
Just 4 robots, such as Chromkid, Aerobattler MON☆, DOKA Harumi and THKR-4.  Robots served the guest in the dinning kitchen.  Robots were remote-controled through camera image on PC in the main hall.

The winner was THKR-4, 2nd place was DOKA Harumi, 3rd place was Chromkid, and Special prize was Aerobattler MON☆. Trail was carried out twice.  Videos of robot serving were as follows;

Aerobattler MON☆ brought a drink and cookie to the guest.

DOKA Harumi shook hands with her guest then opened the refrigerator and tried to bring a drink to the guest.

The first trial

The 2nd trial

Preparing for DOKA Harumi by DOKA-san. DOKA-san started to put together on Dec 25th. It took about one day for asembling his robot, Harumi.

Chromkid tried to open the microwave oven and bring a moist hand towel to his guest.

The 1st trial

The 2nd trial

THKR-4 opened the refrigerator, brought a drink to the guest, open the bottle and poured into the glass.  He also set off a cracker for Cheers!  Then he tapped the guest on the shoulders.

The 1st trial.

The 2nd trial. THKR-4 was controled by master slave system.

ROBO-ONE 9 m Footrace
ROBO-ONE 9 m Footrace took place at Housquare Yokohama, during Humanoid Helper Project 3rd.  The 19th ROBO-ONE tournament (Light Class, Under 3 kg) will take place at Institute of Industrial Promotion Kawasaki Hall in Kawasaki on March 19-20, 2011.  Winner robot of the 9 m footrace got the right to attend the 19th ROBO-ONE without preliminary competition. The 19th ROBO-ONE is held as the tournament with 32 robots which are winners of the local robot competitions and upper place robots in the preliminary competition, 9 m footrace on March 19th.

Fifteen robots joined the competition. Each robots tried just once time race. Therefore, some robots ran out of the course including Frosty, which seemed to be the fastest robot. Eight robots could reach the goal. The winner was Deshumit. It took 15.30 seconds. The 2nd place was Dyuminus, 21.46 seconds . The 3rd place was BLACK TIGER NEO, my custum-built robot, 25.38 seconds.  Deshumit got the right to attend the 19th ROBO-ONE tournament. It seems that the borderline time of passing the preliminary competition, 9 m footrace on March 19th is 20 seconds. Videos of the footrace were as follows;

DYNAMIZER-GP, 33.66 seconds

Bally, 55.75 seconds

BLACK TIGER NEO, the 3rd place 25.38 seconds. andonoblog-san took this video kindly.

Neutrino1, course out in the last goal point

Dyuminus, the 2nd place, 21.46 seconds

Rukanus, 30.37 seconds

Deshumit, the 1st place, 15.30 seconds

KHR-3HV Robot Yuenchi, 31.20 seconds

Frosty was seemed to be winner of the race. It is well known to backflip robot with unique parallel-linked legs. The real record trial was course out. Frosty could reach the goal in a short time (it seemed to be shorter than 10 seconds by the video), in the 2nd trial which was carried out after real record trial. Video was taken by andonoblog-san.

This is the last blog in 2010.  Thank you for visiting my blog written by poor English.  I wish you a Happy New Year!

Last count 9968

Dec 27, 2010

Humanoid Helper Project 3rd, Table Robot Class and ROBO-ONE Light Class Fight (Dec 25, 2010)

Humanoid Helper Project (HHP) 3rd, Table Robot Class and ROBO-ONE Light Class (Under 3 kg) Fight took place at Housquare Yokohama on Dec 25, 2010.

The purpose of HHP is to commercialize useful robot for human through competitions. The 1st competition preliminary took place as ‘Helper Robot Project’ in Kawasaki on Aug 17th and final took place on Sep 6th, 2008.  HHP 2nd took place at Housquare Yokohama on Feb 20-21, 2010.   In the HHP 3rd, Table Robot Class competition took place for the first time.

HHP 3rd, Table Robot Class
Just 3 robots, Chromkid, DYNAMYZER-TT and  Table Probe Robot joined the competition.  Robots serve the guest on the table.  The winner was DYNAMIZER-TT, 2nd place was chromkid and 3rd place was Table Probe Robot.  Biped, multi-legged or wheel robot could join the Table Robot Class. Trail was carried out twice.  Videos of robot serving were as follows;



Table Probe Robot

ROBO-ONE Light Class Fight
ROBO-ONE Light Class, Under 3 kg, Competition took place at Housquare Yokohama, during Humanoid Helper Project 3rd.  The 19th ROBO-ONE tournament (Light Class, Under 3 kg) will take place at Institute of Industrial Promotion Kawasaki Hall in Kawasaki on March 19-20, 2011.  Winner robot of the competition got the right to attend the 19th ROBO-ONE without preliminary competition. The 19th ROBO-ONE is held as the tournament with 32 robots which are winners of the local robot competitions and upper place robots in the preliminary competition, 9 m footrace on March 19th.

Thirteen robots joined the competition. The winner was HemmerHEAD, the 2nd place Rukanus and the 3rd place Neutrino1.  Ruranus got the right to attend the 19th ROBO-ONE tournament, because HemmerHEAD has gotten the right in other local competition.   Videos of fight were as follows;

The 1st stage, Dyuminus vs HummerHEAD, Winner was HummerHEAD

Semifinal match: Neutrino1 vs HummerHEAD, Winner was HummerHEAD

Final Match: HummerHEAD vs Rukanus, Winner was HummerHEAD

Last count 9531

Dec 24, 2010

The 1st KONDO LAND Multi-Legged Robot Obstacle Race (Dec 23, 2010)

The 1st KONDO LAND Multi-Legged Robot Obstacle Race took place at ROBOSPOT in Akihabara, Tokyo on Dec 23, 2010.  Ten multi-legged  robots, such as 4-legged, 5-legged and 6-legged robot joined the race.  The competition was shown on `Ustream KONDO Channel` at 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm (JST) and videos have been keeping in the channel.

Robots joined were Isoko Rescue, YASHIGANI, Stallone, Metalic Bio, Petit-Kanikan, Yabusame, BLACK TIGER L45, Tic-Tac, WaniWani and RT Isoko.  All multi-legged robots were custum-built robots.

Isoko Rescue, 6-Legged Robot by Obana-san

YASHIGANI, 6-Legged Robot by Azusa-san

Stallone, 6-Legged Robot with KCB-3WL, Wireless LAN Board for Hobby Robot from KONDO, by Noborizaka-san

Metalic Bio, 6-Legged Robot by Morinaga-san

Petit-Kanikan, 6-Legged Robot by Kamiya-san

Yabusame, 4-Legged Robot by mota

BLACK TIGER L45, Anoumalous 5-Legged Robot by IKETOMU

Tic-Tac, 6-Legged Robot by Amino-san

WaniWani, 4-Legged Robot by KENTA

RT Isoko, 6-Legged Robot by Suzuki-san

Regulations of the Multi-Legged Robot Obstacle Race which was reviced on 22 Dec  were as follows.

1. Robot body regulation
1) KONDO servos have to be used.
2) There is no limitation of number of axes.
3) Weight of Robot is 3 k g or under.
4) Robot body size (arms are folding) are height 30 cm, width 30cm and depth 30 cm or under.
5) Moving by wheels is prohibited.
6) Control board is free.
7) Robot has to be controled by wireless or autonomus. Wired control is prohibited.

2. Course regulation
1) Obstacles are set in the KONDO CUP KHR Class Soccer Field.
2) The most narrow width of the course is 400 mm and the lowest height of the course is 400 mm.
3) Material of the floor depends on each obstacle.

3. Competition regulation
1) Just one robot tries the course.
2) Time from the start point to goal is recorded. The shotest time robot is winner.
3) Each robot can try the course twice.
4) Robot has to reach the goal within 3 mins and the time over robot is retired.
5) Robot gone out of the course gets penalty time 10 seconds. Penalty time add to the record of 3 minutes. Robot can restart the entrance of uncleared obstraction.  There are no limitation of restart times. Every restart adds 10 sec penalty time.
6) At the 2nd attraction, robot push out the moving wall has a penalty time 10 seconds. The magic wall push out is not returned to the obstraction place.

KONDO LAND Attraction Guide

Various kinds of 6 obstacles set in the race course are as follows;

The 1st attraction : `Gattan` Seesaw
A big seesaw, which size are 500 mm in width and 700 mm in length with an inclination of 15 degrees.
The steep slope is not easy for every robot.  It is important for robot not to slip feet.
Degree of Difficulty:★☆☆☆☆

The 2nd attraction: Magic Wall
A road, which size are 600 mm width and 1,000 mm in length with 2 pushing robots.  Magic Walll is hard for light weight robots.  Robot needs weight and power for push out the Wall.
Degree of Difficulty:★★☆☆☆

The 3rd Attraction: Mootan House
A big tunnel, which size are 1,200 mm width and 1,200 mm length with a pitfall (400 x 400 mm).  Robots fallen into the trap, cannot return the race course. Controler can not see his robot in the Mootan House from controling space.  Controler can move by the advice of his assistant.  Robot can be attached wireless camera and be controled through image on PC. 
Degree of Difficulty:★★★☆☆

The 4th attraction: Wobbly Bridge
A Board Bridge, which size are 400 mm width and 700 mm length, revolves on an axis.  If robots walk the edge of bridge, robots fall down from the bridge.  Robots have to walk slowly in the center of board.  Robot needs to have a low gravity.
Degree of Difficulty:★★★★☆

The 5th attraction: Swirling Straits
Robot fallen down from the pitfall of Mootan House, has to pass through the most difficult Swirling Straits.  Space of 900 mm width and 1,000 mm length, filled with sponge balls is too hard to walk. Robots need to have long legs.
Degree of Difficulty:★★★★★

The 6th attraction: Reverse Street
Belt conveyor street of 500 mm width and 700 mm is moving reverse direction. Robot has to walk with high speed.  The converyor is too narrow to walk for big robots.
Degree of Difficulty:★★★★★

The 1st KONDO LAND Multi-Legged Robot Obstacle Race Results
There was no robot cleared the obstracle course.  The 1st place was Isoko Rescue which cleared the most difficult Wooby Bridge, the 2nd place was Stallone which also cleared Wooby Bridge and was controled through attached camera all course. The 3rd palce was Tic-Tac which cleared difficult Swirling Straits.  The MVP was Yabusame because of its cool 4-Legged structure. The result was described here.  Time trial was carried out twice. The best race video of each robot was uploaded.

1) Isoko Rescue, 6-Legged Robot by Obana-san, cleared Gattan Seesaw, Magic Wall, Mootan House and Woobby Bridge, got the 1st place of the 1st KONDO LAND Multi-Legged Obstacle Race. Time trial 2nd.

2) YASHIGANI, 6-Legged Robot by Azusa-san, cleared Gattan Seesaw, Magic Wall and Mootan House. Time trial 2nd.  Heavy robot 1.8 kg with 18 axses.

3) Stallone, 6-Legged Robot with KCB-3WL, New Wireless LAN Board for Hobby Robot from KONDO, by Noborizaka-san, cleared Gattan Seesaw, Magic Wall, Mootan House and Woobby Bridge, got the 2nd place of the 1st KONDO LAND Multi-Legged Obstacle Race. Noborizaka-san controled his robot through camera all of the course. Time trial 2nd.

4) Metalic Bio, 6-Legged Robot by Morinaga-san, cleared Gattan Seesaw, Magic Wall and Mootan House. Time trial 1st.

5) Petit-Kanikan, 6-Legged Robot by Kamiya-san, cleared Gattan Seesaw. Time trial 2nd.

6) Yabusame, 4-Legged Robot by mota, cleared Gattan Seesaw and Magic Wall. Time trial 2nd.  The MVP robot of the competition because of its cool 4-legged structure.

7) BLACK TIGER L45, Anoumalous 5-Legged Robot by IKETOMU, cleared Gattan Seesaw and Magic Wall. Time trial 1st. The most heavy robot, 1.9 kg with 16 axses.

8) Tic-Tac, 6-Legged Robot by Amino-san, cleared Gattan Seesaw, Magic Wall and Swirling Straits, got 3rd place of the 1st KONDO LAND Multi-Legged Robot Obstacle Race. The robot moves with just 6 servoes. Time trial 1st.

9) WaniWani, 4-Legged Robot by KENTA, cleared Gattan Seesaw, Magic Wall and Mootan House. Time trial 1st.  The most pretty robot of joined robots, which has a tail.  `Wani` in Japanese means crocodile or alligator. 

10) RT Isoko, 6-Legged Robot by Suzuki-san, cleared Gattan Seesaw. Time trial 2nd.

Details of the competition were described Sanzai-san`s blog(in Japanese). Promotion of the 1st KONDO LAND competition was describe in this blog.  Lem-san also reported the details in his blog (1), (2), (3), (4), (5), (6), (7) .

Last count 9475

Dec 21, 2010

`Weekly ROBO XERO` with Robot Parts Will Be Issued Next Febuary (Dec 21, 2010)

DeAGOSTINI will issue weekly magazine,`Weekly ROBO XERO` with robot parts of ROBO XERO on Feb 8th, 2011.   ROBO XERO parts will be attached every weekly magazine. Robot will complete with 70 volumes of magazine. The first issue price will be 790 yen including tax. Price of the 2nd issue will be 1990 yen.  The issue attached contol board will be 4,990 yen.

USTREAM Special Event, `Men's Robot Club' was carried out on Feb 17th to commemorate of the 1st publishment `Weekly ROBO XERO` on Feb 8th, 2011.

ROBO XERO is based `JO-ZERO` of Himeji Softworks. Servo moters `RS306MD` of Futaba Corporation are used for the robot with 24 axes.  The weight is 900 g and height is 300 mm.  The robot is suitable for the U1K ( Under 1 kg ) robot fight competition.

Details of JO-ZERO were described in this blog.   The  remarkable difference between JO-ZERO and ROBO-XERO is structure of hand.  New robot can grip.

Last count 9414

Dec 18, 2010

Promotion of the 1st KONDO LAND Multi-Legged Robot Obstacle Race (Dec18, 2010)

The 1st KONDO LAND Multi-Legged Robot Obstacle Race will take place at ROBOSPOT in Akihabara, Tokyo on Dec 23, 2010.  More than 10 robots will join the race.  The competition will be shown on `Ustream KONDO Channel` at 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm (JST).   Formal trainning trial takes place at ROBOSPOT on Dec 18 and 19th.

BLACK TIGER L45, my custum-built anomalous 5-legged robot, will join the competition and also tried the course for trainning on Dec 18th.

Multi-legged robot is gradually popular among Japanese robot builders recently.  Turtle robot was put on the market by KONDO in 2010.  Robot Survival Game using multi-legged robots were carried out 4 times in 2010.  Crafthouse's hexapod Cobra got the 2nd Place of Unlimited Section at MARS CHALLENGER Contest on 29 Aug 2010.  KONDO also plans this multi-legged robot competition.

Regulations of the Multi-Legged Robot Obstacle Race are as follows.

1. Robot body regulation
1) KONDO servos have to be used.
2) There is no limitation of number of axes.
3) Weight of Robot is 3 k g or under.
4) Robot body size (arms are folding) are height 30 cm, width 30cm and depth 30 cm or under.
5) Moving by wheels is prohibited.
6) Control board is free.
7) Robot has to be controled by wireless or autonomus. Wired control is prohibited.

2. Course regulation
1) Obstacles are set in the KONDO CUP KHR Class Soccer Field.
2) The most narrow width of the course is 400 mm and the lowest height of the course is 400 mm.
3) Material of the floor depends on each obstacle.

3. Competition regulation
1) Just one robot tries the course.
2) Time from the start point to goal is recorded. The shotest time robot is winner.
3) Each robot can try the course twice.
4) Robot has to reach the goal within 3 mins and the time over robot is retired.
5) Robot gone out of the course is retired.

KONDO LAND Attraction Guide

Various kinds of 6 obstacles set in the race course are as follow;

The 1st attraction : `Gattan` Seesaw
A big seesaw, which size are 500 mm in width and 700 mm in length with an inclination of 15 degrees.
It is important for robot to have power of climbing a steep grade with controlled balance.
Degree of Difficulty:★☆☆☆☆

The 2nd attraction: Magic Wall
A road, which size are 600 mm width and 1000 mm in length with 3 pushing robots.  Robots have to take great care not to be push out of the course by the pushing robots which are moving right and left.
Degree of Difficulty:★★☆☆☆

The 3rd Attraction: Mootan House
A big tunnel, which size are 1200 mm width and 1200 mm length with a pitfall (400 x 400 mm).   Robots fallen into the trap, cannot return the race course.
Degree of Difficulty:★★★☆☆

The 4th attraction: Wobbly Bridge
A Board Bridge, which size are 400 mm width and 700 mm length, revolves on an axis.  If robots walk the edge of bridge, robots fall down from the bridge.  Robots have to walk fast in the center of board.
Degree of Difficulty:★★★★☆

The 5th attraction: Swirling Straits
Robot fallen down from the pitfall of Mootan House, has to pass through the most difficult Swirling Straits.  Space of 900 mm width and 1000 mm length, filled with sponge balls is too hard to walk.
Degree of Difficulty:★★★★★

The 6th attraction: Reverse Street
Belt conveyor street of 500 mm width and 700 mm is moving reverse direction. Robot has to walk with high speed.
Degree of Difficulty:★★★★★

BLACK TIGER L45 and Waniwani tried the obstacle course except for Reverse Street.  Wobbly Bridge and Swirling Straits are difficult for all robots.

Trial of BLACK TIGER L45

Trial of Waniwani

Last count 9330

Dec 11, 2010

The 4th Robot Survival Game took place in Akihabara, Tokyo (Dec 11, 2010)

The 4th Robot Survival Game took place at ASOBITCITY in Akihabara, Tokyo on Dec 11th, 2010.  Five robot such as 4-legged, 6-legged and mobile joined the game.  Five robots were Arnold Stallone (6-legged robot),  Gunroller-kai (mobile with wheel which was based Gunroller), Osaru-2.5gou (6-legged robot ), Σ (Shiguma, 6-legged robot) and Yabusame (4-legged robot).  BLACK TIGER L45 did not join because I was too busy to prepare my robot.

Main regulations of the Robot Survival Game are as follows;
1) Mobile bodies are not only multi-legged robot or biped robot but also mobile with wheel or caterpillar.
2) Weapons are toy-gun under 0.1 J and/or the other shooting system.
3) Equipped stopping mechanism of the body by gun-hit sensor using a solar battery covered with tinfoil (6 x 6 x 6 cm cubed or 5 x 6 x 7 cm).
4) Robot control has to be done with the image on PC from the camera attached on the robot.
5) Participants have to handle toy-gun carefully and put protector on eyes.

Castle Attack Game
Just 5 robots joined to the 4th Robot Surviavl Game.  Therefore, Castle Attack Game, a new survival game was planed for 5 robots by Tanaka-san.  Tanaka-san also planed field layout for the game.

[Castle Attack Game] One robot in or out of the castel keeps 3 flags set in front of or on the castle.  Two or  3 robots attack 3 flags of the castle.  Robots are controlled through each camera. Game time is 3 minutes.
Keeper wins keeper keeps more than one flag or hit down all attackers for 3 mins.  Attackers win attackers hit down all flags within 3 mins.   Keeper robot can defense flags in or out of the castle.

Castle Attack Game Layout

Castle Attack Game. Keeper robot was Shiguma and keeping out of the castle. Attacker robots were Yabusame, Gunroller-kai and Osaru-2.5gou.

Castle Attack Game. Keeper robot was Arnold Stallone and keeping in the castle. Attacker robots were Yabusame, Gunroller-kai and Osaru-2.5gou.

Castle Attack Game. Keeper robot was Yabusame and keeping out of the castle. Attacker robots were Shiguma and Osaru-2.5gou.

Castle Attack Game. Keeper robot was Osaru-2.5gou and keeping in the castle. Attacker robots were Shiguma, Yabusame and Arnold Stallone.

The details were also described in Sanzai-san's blog, Osaru's blog and Tanaka-san's blog (in Japanese).

Trials of the Robot Survival Game were held twice on April 10th and June 13th (1) (2), 2010. The 1st Robot Survival Game took place on July 19th, the 2nd one on Sep 11th, the 3rd one on Nov 20-21st 2010 and the details were described in this blog.

Last count 9242

Dec 10, 2010

KHR-3HV BLACK LIMITED, a New Colored Model, will be put on the market ( Dec 10, 2010)

KONDO KAGAKU CO. LTD. announced KHR-3HV BLACK LIMITED, a new colored model, will be put on the market on Dec 16, 2010.

Limited 100 black colored robots will be sold.  The price is 114,000 yen excluding tax.   Just body color, flame and plastic parts color are changed from light blue to black but specifications such as control board and servos are the same those of original KHR-3HV which was put on the market in 2009.

Black colored plastic parts for KHR-3HV also will put be on the market at the same time. KHR-3HV black parts set is 4,500 yen excluding tax.

 Black colored robot seems to be cool and black color fits to robots because most of servo color are black.   I changed KHR-1 body and flame color from aluminum color to black for making reviced robot BLACK TIGER.   My custum-built biped robot, BLACK TIGER NEO and custum-built anomalous 5-legged robot, BLACK TIGER L45 were also colored black.

Last Count 9081

Dec 7, 2010

The 23rd KONDO CUP Robot Soccer Game Open Class (Dec 5, 2010)

The 23rd KONDO CUP Robot Soccer Game took place at ROBOSPOT in Akihabara, KHR Class on Dec 4th and Open Class on 5th, 2010.  The games were shown on `Ustream KONDO CUP Channel` from 1:00 pm to 5:00 pm (JST) and the final game video are keeping in the Channel.

KONDO CUP, Robot Soccer Game started on June 5th, 2006. Almost every 2 month, KONDO Co. Ltd. held the games at ROBOSPOT. There are two classes, one is KHR Class which KHR-series robot such as KHR-1, 1HV, 2HV, 3HV can attend the games. KHR robots changed 4 and less than 4 high-torque servos such as KRS-4013HV, KRS-4014HV, KRS-2350HV also attend the KHR Class game. The other class, Open Class in which robots using just KONDO servo motor can attend the game and the number of high-torque servo is not limited.

In the 23rd Open Class preriminary league, the first half  was 3 minutes, halftime 1 min and the second half was 3 mins. In the final game, the first half  was 5 mins, halftime 1 min and the second half was 5 mins. One team was consisted with 3 or 4 robots.  Just 3 robots could play soccer in the field.   The soccer field of Open Class was larger than that of KHR Class. The regulation of robot body and rules of soccer are described in the KONDO’ s web site.

Five teams joined Open Class on Dec 5th had a preliminary league. Teams joined were Team Shisenkai, RFC Bamboobridge, Speed☆Stars, Kanto-Branch and RoboDouraku.  My Custum-bulit robot, BLACK TIGER NEO also joined Kantou-Branch as NagareBlackTiger.  Kantou-Branch members were Ryuketsukamen, NagareGold and NagareBlackTiger. Final game was carried out between the 1st place (Speed☆Stars) and 2nd place (RoboDouraku) of the preliminary league.

Preliminary League, Team Shisenka vs RFC Bamboobridge

Preliminary League, Team Shisenka vs Robodouraku

Preliminary League, Speed☆Stars vs RFC Bamboobridge.

Preliminary League, Speed☆Stars vs Team Shisenkai

Preliminary League, Kantou-branch vs RFC Bamboobridge

Final game, Speed☆Stars vs Robodouraku

The winner was Speed☆Stars, which team members were Saaga, Striker and Kotaro Jr. Result of final game were the 1st half 0-0, 2nd half 0-0 and 1-0 in the overtime by a sudden death goal of Saaga. The result of Open Class was described here.

Last Count 9051

Dec 6, 2010

The 23rd KONDO CUP Robot Soccer Game KHR Class (Dec 4, 2010)

The 23rd KONDO CUP Robot Soccer Game took place at ROBOSPOT in Akihabara, KHR Class on Dec 4th and Open Class on 5th, 2010.  The games were shown on `Ustream KONDO CUP Channel` from 1:00 pm to 5:00 pm (JST) and the final game video are keeping in the Channel.

KONDO CUP, Robot Soccer Game started on June 5th, 2006. Almost every 2 month, KONDO Co. Ltd. held the games at ROBOSPOT. There are two classes, one is KHR Class which KHR-series robot such as KHR-1, 1HV, 2HV, 3HV can attend the games. KHR robots changed 4 and less than 4 high-torque servos such as KRS-4013HV, KRS-4014HV, KRS-2350HV also attend the KHR Class game. The other class, Open Class in which robots using just KONDO servo motor can attend the game and the number of high-torque servo is not limited.

In the 23rd KHR Class preriminary league, the first half  was 3 minutes, halftime 1 min and the second half was 3 mins. In the final game, the first half  was 5 mins, halftime 1 min and the second half was 5 mins. One team was consisted with 3 or 4 robots.  Just 3 robots could play soccer in the field.   The soccer field of Open Class was larger than that of KHR Class. The regulation of robot body and rules of soccer are described in the KONDO’ s web site.

Five teams joined the KHR Class on Dec 4th had a preliminary league. Teams joined were Kanto-Branch, Nihon Kogakuin College of Hachioji, RFC Autumnleaf, Individual-team and Clark Akiba Robot Course. Final game was carried out between the 1st place (Kantou-Branch) and 2nd place (Individual-team) of the preliminary league.

Preliminary League, Kantou-branch vs Nihon Kogakuin College of Hachioji. Kantou-branch won the game.

Preliminary League, Kantou-branch vs Clark Akiba Robot Course. The game ended in a draw.

Preliminary League, RFC Autumnleaf vs Nihon Kogakuin College of Hachioji. RFC Autumnleaf won the game.

Preliminary League, RFC Autumnleaf vs Kantou-branch. Kantou-branch won the game.

Final game the 1st half and 2nd half, Kantou-Branch
vs Individual-team

The winner was Kantou-Branch, which team members were Ryuketsukamen (Dekinnoka Robot Pro-Wrestleing member), UNKOKING (Dekinnoka Robot Pro-Wrestling member) and Zaurer 2 and BLACK TIGER ( by IKETOMU). The result was described here.   Kantou-Branch won the championship in two consecutive KHR Class.

In the interval of the preliminary League, Trial Game of Animal Class took place with 6 robots. KONDO is planning to begin of KONDO CUP Animal Class for multi-legged robots in the next year.

The 1st KONDOLAND Obstacle Race of Multi-Legged Robot will take place at ROBOSPOT in Akihabara, Tokyo on Dec 23, 2010. The competition will be shown on `Ustream KONDO Channel`.

Last Count 8971

Dec 3, 2010

Making Low Price Robot Survival Game System (Nov 20-21, 2010)

The 3rd Robot Survival Game took place for 2 days at Make: Tokyo Meeting 06. Tanaka-san and other members demonstrated some kind of survival game and also exhibited robots and mobiles with gun and sensor systems of Robot Survival Game at the exhibition room.

Tanaka-san introduced 'Gunroller-kai' (kai means improvement), mobile with wheel which was based Gunroller on the market and how to make cheaper survival game robot system under 20 thousands yen by using kits and parts on the market.

It is not so hard to make a survival game multi-legged robot for robot builders who have been making biped custom-built robots.  Because they have a lot of idle controller, servos, arms and parts.

However, it is hard for a beginner to make a survival game robot system, especially to make a multi-legged robot. It costs much money to make a multi-legged robot. Tanaka-san made a custom-built 6-legged robot, Hinogazuchi with survival game system. He calculated the budget for a standard robot survival game system which is consisted with robot (or mobile), camera, gun and hit sensor, which costs about 187,000 yen as follows.

Standard Robot Survival Game System
Control Board (RCB-3HV): 17,000 yen
Servo Motor (KRS-788HV): 6000 x 20 = 120,000 yen
Flame Parts: 10,000 yen
Battery: 3000 yen
Radio Control Transmitter & Receiver (KRC-2AD): 18,000
Mini Electric Air Gun: 3000 yen
USB Wireless Web Camera: 8000 yen
[Hit Sensor]
Hit Sensor Parts: 3000 yen
Others: 5000 yen
Total Cost: 187,000 yen

The robot survival game system is consisted with 4 elements such as robot or mobile, camera, gun, hit sensor. The most expensive element is robot system including radio control system and battery which costs 168,000 (90%) in the standard system.

Tanaka-san planned to use a mobile kit with radio control system on the market such as Gunroller or R/C Scraper which cost about 3000 or 4000 yen including radio control system. It is the reason why the robot survival game permits to join not only robot but also mobiles such as tank with 4-wheels or caterpillars. The total of using Gunroller survival game system costs 18,000 yen.

Using Gunroller survival game system
Gunroller: 3000 yen
Mini Electric Air Gun: 3000 yen
USB Wireless Web Camera: 8000 yen
Hit Sensor Parts: 3000 yen
Others: 1000 yen
Total Cost: 18,000 yen

Using low price robot make the robot survival game system cheapper.  Noborizaka-san also made a survival game robot system using 4-legged turtle robot which was put on the market by KONDO. The price of the turtle robot is 39,900 yen (including tax and excluding radio control system).

I also tried to make 5-legged robot, BT-L15 based KHR-1. The mobility of the robot was superior to those of multi-legged robots.  Now KHR-1 was not put on the market but KHR-2 HV which is 90,700 yen (excluding tax, excluding radio control system), is put on the market, can be used as the base of 5-legged robot.

The 1st KONDOLAND Obstacle Race of Multi-Legged Robot will take place at ROBOSPOT in Akihabara, Tokyo on Dec 23, 2010. The competition will be shown on `Ustream KONDO Channel`.

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