Dec 11, 2010

The 4th Robot Survival Game took place in Akihabara, Tokyo (Dec 11, 2010)

The 4th Robot Survival Game took place at ASOBITCITY in Akihabara, Tokyo on Dec 11th, 2010.  Five robot such as 4-legged, 6-legged and mobile joined the game.  Five robots were Arnold Stallone (6-legged robot),  Gunroller-kai (mobile with wheel which was based Gunroller), Osaru-2.5gou (6-legged robot ), Σ (Shiguma, 6-legged robot) and Yabusame (4-legged robot).  BLACK TIGER L45 did not join because I was too busy to prepare my robot.

Main regulations of the Robot Survival Game are as follows;
1) Mobile bodies are not only multi-legged robot or biped robot but also mobile with wheel or caterpillar.
2) Weapons are toy-gun under 0.1 J and/or the other shooting system.
3) Equipped stopping mechanism of the body by gun-hit sensor using a solar battery covered with tinfoil (6 x 6 x 6 cm cubed or 5 x 6 x 7 cm).
4) Robot control has to be done with the image on PC from the camera attached on the robot.
5) Participants have to handle toy-gun carefully and put protector on eyes.

Castle Attack Game
Just 5 robots joined to the 4th Robot Surviavl Game.  Therefore, Castle Attack Game, a new survival game was planed for 5 robots by Tanaka-san.  Tanaka-san also planed field layout for the game.

[Castle Attack Game] One robot in or out of the castel keeps 3 flags set in front of or on the castle.  Two or  3 robots attack 3 flags of the castle.  Robots are controlled through each camera. Game time is 3 minutes.
Keeper wins keeper keeps more than one flag or hit down all attackers for 3 mins.  Attackers win attackers hit down all flags within 3 mins.   Keeper robot can defense flags in or out of the castle.

Castle Attack Game Layout

Castle Attack Game. Keeper robot was Shiguma and keeping out of the castle. Attacker robots were Yabusame, Gunroller-kai and Osaru-2.5gou.

Castle Attack Game. Keeper robot was Arnold Stallone and keeping in the castle. Attacker robots were Yabusame, Gunroller-kai and Osaru-2.5gou.

Castle Attack Game. Keeper robot was Yabusame and keeping out of the castle. Attacker robots were Shiguma and Osaru-2.5gou.

Castle Attack Game. Keeper robot was Osaru-2.5gou and keeping in the castle. Attacker robots were Shiguma, Yabusame and Arnold Stallone.

The details were also described in Sanzai-san's blog, Osaru's blog and Tanaka-san's blog (in Japanese).

Trials of the Robot Survival Game were held twice on April 10th and June 13th (1) (2), 2010. The 1st Robot Survival Game took place on July 19th, the 2nd one on Sep 11th, the 3rd one on Nov 20-21st 2010 and the details were described in this blog.

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